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   <style type="text/css">
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   table.reference th {background-color: #EEEEEE;padding: 0px 4px;text-align: left;vertical-align: top;}
   table.reference th { padding: 10px 10px 10px 0 !important; text-align: left !important; width: 25% }
  table.reference td { padding: 10px 10px 10px 0 !important; text-align: left; vertical-align: middle; }
  table.reference pre { display: block; }
== Introduction ==
A filter can be applied to modify the output of an expression within an output tag <nowiki>"{{ ... }}"</nowiki> or an ''assign'' tag.
The filter is specified by adding a pipe character "|", followed by the required filter.
<!-- product.title = "Spiffy Stores" -->
{{ product.title | upcase }} => SPIFFY STORES
Some filters can also take arguments.
{{ product.title | remove: "Stores" }} => Spiffy
== Introduction ==
Multiple filters can be applied in the one expression and chained together.
{{ product.title | remove: "Stores" | upcase }} => SPIFFY
=== Array Filters ===
=== Array Filters ===
{| class="reference"
!compact(input, property = nil)
|Remove all nil elements from the array. An optional property can be specified to determine which property is to be tested in an array of hashes or drops.
{% assign compact_products = collection.products | compact: 'weight' %}
!concat(array1, array2)
|Concatenate or join two arrays together.
{{ first_array | concat: second_array }}
|Get the first element of an array.
<pre>{{ product.images | first | img_tag }}</pre>
!intersect(input, array)
|Calculate the intersection between two arrays. This returns an array of all elements common to both input arrays.
<pre>{{ names | intersect: reserved_names }}</pre>
!join(input, glue = ' ')
|Join elements of an array with an optional join character, which defaults to a space.
<pre>{{ names | join: ',' }}</pre>
|Get the last element of an array.
<pre>{{ product.images | last | img_tag }}</pre>
!map(input, property)
|Select the elements of an array of hashes or drops using the specified property.
<pre>{{ names | map: 'last_name' }}</pre>
|Reverse the order of the elements in an array of objects.
<pre>{{ collections.all.all_products | map: 'title' | reverse | join: ',' }}</pre>
|Return the size of an array or of a string.
<pre>{{ variant.title | size }}</pre>
!sort(input, property = nil)
|Sorts the elements in an array. An optional property can be specified to be used to sort an array of hashes or drops.
The order of the sorted array is case-sensitive.
{% assign products = collection.products | sort: 'title' %}
!sort_natural(input, property = nil)
|Sorts the elements in an array. An optional property can be specified to be used to sort an array of hashes or drops.
The order of the sorted array is not case-sensitive.
{% assign products = collection.products | sort_natural: 'title' %}
!where(input, property, target_value = nil)
|Filter the elements of an array and only include those elements containing a certain property value.
{% assign filtered_products = collection.products | where: 'title', 'Demo Product' %}
!uniq(input, property = nil)
|Remove duplicate elements from the array. An optional property can be specified to determine which property is to be used to determine uniqueness in an array of hashes or drops.
{% assign unique_products = collection.products | uniq: 'title' %}
=== HTML Filters ===
=== HTML Filters ===
{| class="reference"
!<nowiki>img_tag(url, alt='', width:, height:, id:)</nowiki>
|This filter creates an image tag, using the ''url'' parameter as image source (<img src="...>) and an optional second parameter as an ''alt'' description of the image.
<pre>{{ 'image.jpg' | img_tag }}
{{ 'image.jpg' | file_asset_url | img_tag: 'Alternate Text' }}</pre>
This filter also takes additional optional keyword parameters to allow you to specify the width and height and the id of the image. If you want to use these keyword parameters, then you must specify the '''alt''' parameter.
{{ 'image.jpg' | img_tag: '', width: 100, height: 150 }}
{{ 'image.jpg' | img_tag: 'Alt text', height: 100, id: 'product_image' }}
!script_tag(url, defer = false)
|This filter takes a URL with a .js file and puts a script tag around it. Use this filter in the page header for all your javascript files. An option defer option may be specified which specifies that deferred loading is required for the script.
{{ 'shop.js' | asset_url | script_tag }}
{{ 'jquery.js' | global_asset_url | script_tag: true }}
!stylesheet_tag(url, media="all")
|This filter takes a URL with a .css file and puts a link tag around it. Use this filter in the page header for all your stylesheet files.
<pre>{{ 'shop.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}</pre>
=== Mathematics Filters ===
=== Mathematics Filters ===
{| class="reference"
|Returns the absolute value of a number. This filter will also work with strings if the string contains only a number.
{{ -42 | abs }} => 42
{{ "-32.45" | abs }} => 32.45
|Limits a number to a maximum value.
{{ 3 | at_most: 2 }} => 2
|Limits a number to a minimum value.
{{ 3 | at_least: 5 }} => 5
|Round a number up to the next highest integer.
<pre>{{ total | divided_by: 100 | ceil }}</pre>
!divided_by(input, operand)
|Perform a division operation.
{{ 12 | divided_by: 3 }} => 4
{{ 14 | divided_by: 3 }} => 4
{{ 15 | divided_by: 3 }} => 5
|Round a number down to the next lowest integer.
<pre>{{ total | divided_by: 100 | floor }}</pre>
!minus(input, operand)
|Perform minus operation.
{{ 5 | minus: 1 }} => 4
!modulo(input, operand)
|Perform modulo operation.
{{ 5 | modulo: 2 }} => 1
!plus(input, operand)
|Perform plus operation.
{{ 1 | plus: 1 }} => 2
{{ '1' | plus: '1' }} => 11
!round(input, precision = 0)
|Round a number up or down to the nearest value with the specified precision. By default, the precision is 0, meaning that the number will be rounded to an integer.
You saved {{ discount | divided_by: total | times: 100 | round }}% today
!times(input, operand)
|Perform times operation.
{{ 3 | times: 4 }} => 12
{{ 'foo' | times: 4 }} => 'foofoofoofoo'
=== Money Filters ===
=== Money Filters ===
=== String Filters ===
=== URL Filters ===
=== Colour Filters ===
{| class="reference"
{| class="reference"
!adjust_brightness(colour, percent)
|Returns a new colour with the brightness adjusted by the specified percentage. Negative percentages will darken the colour; positive percentages will brighten the colour.<br/><pre>{{ settings.btn_colour | adjust_brightness: -20 }}</pre>
|This filter takes a number and converts it to a string formatted based on your store currency format, which is selected from the General Preferences screen.
<pre>{{ 1.45 | money }}</pre>
By default, using AUD as the currency, this would be formatted as
!adjust_hue(colour, percent)
|Returns a new colour with the hue adjusted by the specified percentage. Negative percentages will reduce the hue; positive percentages will increase the hue.<br/><pre>{{ settings.btn_colour | adjust_hue: 15 }}</pre>
|This filter takes a number and rounds it to an integer number.
<pre>{{ 1.45 | money_rounded }}</pre>
In this example, this will be formatted as
!adjust_saturation(colour, percent)
|Returns a new colour with the saturation adjusted by the specified percentage. Negative percentages will reduce the saturation; positive percentages will increase the saturation.<br/><pre>{{ settings.btn_colour | adjust_saturation: -35 }}</pre>
|This filter takes a number and converts it to a string formatted based on your store currency format, which is selected from the General Preferences screen.
|Returns a number between 0 and 100 which represents the brightness level of a colour string. Black is 0 and white is 100.
{{ 1.45 | money_with_currency }} => $1.45 AUD
<pre>{% if settings.background_colour | brightness > 50 %}Way too bright!{% endif %}</pre>
where AUD is the default currency for the store.
!darken_by(colour, percent)
|Mix the RGB hue of the colour with Black so that the RGB hue is the specified percentage of the resulting colour.<br/><pre>{{ settings.btn_colour | darken_by: 20 }}</pre>
|This filter takes a number and returns it formatted to 2 decimal places.
{{ 1.45 | money_without_currency }} => 1.45
!money_without_trailing_zeros(money, currency = false)
|This filter takes a number and converts it to a string formatted based on your store currency format, which is selected from the General Preferences screen. If the number represents a whole number, then the trailing zeros and decimal point are not printed. Otherwise, the number is formatted normally.
{{ 20.00 | money_without_trailing_zeros }} => $20
{{ 14.35 | money_without_trailing_zeros }} => $14.35
<br>An optional flag can be set to indicate that the store currency format should be used instead.
{{ 20.00 | money_without_trailing_zeros: true }} => $20 AUD
{{ 14.35 | money_without_trailing_zeros: true }} => $14.35 AUD
=== Additional Filters ===
=== Hash Filters ===
{| class="reference"
|Return all the keys of the Hash.
<pre>{% assign option_keys = product.metafields.custom.options | keys %}</pre>
=== String Filters ===
{| class="reference"
{| class="reference"
!append(input, string)
!append(input, string)
Line 40: Line 257:
<pre>{{ 'This is first' | append: ' and this is last' }}</pre>
<pre>{{ 'This is first' | append: ' and this is last' }}</pre>
|Capitalize the first word in the input string.
<pre>{{ variant.title | capitalize }}</pre>
|Convert a string to lower case.
<pre>{{ variant.title | downcase }}</pre>
|Escape a string so that all special characters are converted to their HTML '&amp;' form which is used in HTML markup.
This may also be aliased as "h".
<pre>{{ 'Usage: foo "bar" <baz>' | escape }}
=> "Usage: foo &amp;quot;bar&amp;quot; &amp;lt;baz&amp;gt;"</pre>
|Escape a string so that all special characters are properly escaped without affecting any existing escaped entities.
|Escape a string so that carriage returns and single and double quotes are escaped for use in Javascript segments..
<pre><a href="..." ... onmouseover="Tip('{{ item.title | escape_javascript | escape }}')" ...></pre>
|This filter converts a string into a 'handle', which is a lowercase string of words separated by a dash symbol. The handle is typically used in URLs.
|Strip out any tabs, spaces and newlines from the left side of a string.
<pre>{{ '    lots of spaces' | lstrip }}</pre>
|Generate an MD5 hash from the input.
<img src="https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/{{ comment.email | remove: ' ' | strip_newlines | downcase | md5 }}" />
|Add <nowiki><br/></nowiki> tags to the beginning of all lines in the input string.
<pre>{{ output_lines | newline_to_br }}</pre>
!pluralize(input, singular, plural)
|This filter accepts a number, and two words - one for singular, one for plural and returns the singular word if the input equals 1, otherwise it returns the plural.
<pre>You have {{ cart.item_count }} {{ cart.item_count | pluralize: 'item', 'items' }} in your shopping cart.</pre>
!prepend(input, string)
|Add a string to the end of another string.
<pre>{{ ' and this is last' | prepend: 'This is first' }}</pre>
!remove(input, string)
|Remove all occurrences of a string.
<pre>{{ 'This is a test' | remove: 'is a' }}</pre>
!remove_first(input, string)
|Remove the first occurrence of a string.
<pre>{{ 'This is a test' | remove_first: 'is' }}</pre>
!repeat(input, times)
|Return the input string repeated the requested number of times.
<pre>{{ 'Ho! ' | repeat: 3 }}</pre>
!<nowiki>replace(input, string, replacement = '')</nowiki>
|Replace all occurrences of a string with another.
<pre>{{ 'This is a test' | replace: 'a', 'my' }}</pre>
!<nowiki>replace_first(input, string, replacement = '')</nowiki>
|Replace the first occurrence of a string with another.
<pre>{{ 'This is a test' | replace_first: 'is', 'at' }}</pre>
|Strip out any tabs, spaces and newlines from the right side of a string.<br/><pre>{{ 'lots of spaces    ' | rstrip }}</pre>
|Return the size of an array or of a string.
<pre>{{ variant.title | size }}</pre>
|Return the number of words in a string.
<pre>{{ article.content | size_words }}</pre>
!slice(offset, length = 1)
|Slice a string and return a substring, starting at the specified offset. An optional second parameter can be passed to specify the length of the substring. If no second parameter is given, a substring of one character will be returned.
{{ "spiffy" | slice: 0 }} => "s"
{{ "spiffy" | slice: 1 }} => "p"
{{ "spiffy" | slice: 1, 3 }} => "pif"
!split(input, delimiter=$;)
|Split a string into substrings based on a delimiter, returning an array of those substrings. The delimiter can be a string or a regular expression. If the delimiter is omitted, the delimiter defaults to splitting the string using whitespace as the delimiter.
<pre>{{ 'mellow yellow' | split: 'ello' }}</pre>
|Strip out any tabs, spaces and newlines from both the left and right sides of string.
<pre>{{ '    lots of spaces    ' | strip }}</pre>
|Strip out any html tags. This is a simple filter which removes any characters in the form of an HTML tag, such as "<...>". This can be useful in combination with truncate, to generate fragment summaries of formatted text.
<pre>{{ 'my long<br>string' | strip_html }}</pre>
|Remove all new lines from the string.
!substring(input, start, length=nil)
|Return a substring from a string, starting at ''start'' for ''length'' characters. The ''start'' index is a zero-based index. If ''length'' is not specified, then all the remaining characters up to the end of the string are returned.
<pre>{{ product.title | substring: 0, 3 | upcase }}</pre>
|Capitalize all words in the input string.
<pre>{{ variant.title | titleize }}</pre>
!truncate(input, length = 50, truncate_string = "...")
|Truncate a string down to x characters. Additionally, a character string can be specified to indicate that truncation has occurred.
<pre>{{ 'my long string' | truncate: 50, '...' }}</pre>
!truncatewords(input, words = 15, truncate_string = "...")
|Truncate a string down to a number of words. This is the same as "truncate", except that the length is specified in words, rather than characters.
<pre>{{ 'my long string' | truncatewords: 2, '...' }}</pre>
|Unescape a string so that all special characters are converted from their HTML '&amp;' form into their original characters.
{{ "Usage: foo &quot;bar&quot; &lt;baz&gt;" | unescape }}
=> Usage: foo "bar" <baz>
|Convert a string to upper case.
<pre>{{ variant.title | upcase }}</pre>
|Decode a URL encoded string.
{{ "Programming%20Ruby%3A%20%20The%20Pragmatic%20Programmer%27s%20Guide" | url_decode }}
=> "Programming Ruby:  The Pragmatic Programmer's Guide"
|Encode a string so that it can be used in a URL.
{{ "Programming Ruby:  The Pragmatic Programmer's Guide" | url_encode }}
=> "Programming%20Ruby%3A%20%20The%20Pragmatic%20Programmer%27s%20Guide"
=== URL Filters ===
{| class="reference"
|Returns the URL for an asset.
|Returns the URL for an asset.
Line 48: Line 415:
You will most probably use this URL with another filter to create a link or an include tag, for instance:
You will most probably use this URL with another filter to create a link or an include tag, for instance:
<pre>{{ 'shop.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}</pre>
<pre>{{ 'shop.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}</pre>
|Capitalize all words in the input string.
<pre>{{ variant.title | capitalize }}</pre>
|Round a number up to the next highest integer.
<pre>{{ total | divided_by: 100 | ceil }}</pre>
!collection_img_url(url, style = 'small')
!collection_img_url(url, style = 'small')
|This filter takes a ''url'' of a collection's image filename and returns its full path. It takes an optional second parameter to set its size and returns the URL of the small sized version of the image by default.
|This filter takes a ''url'' of a collection's image filename and returns its full path. It takes an optional second parameter to set its size and returns the URL of the small sized version of the image by default.
Available Sizes
Available Sizes
* pico (16x16)
* pico (16x16)
Line 73: Line 433:
* original - No resizing, but image is resized so that it doesn't exceed 2048x2048.
* original - No resizing, but image is resized so that it doesn't exceed 2048x2048.
* custom1 - Custom size configured by the Theme Editor
* custom1 - Custom size configured by the Theme Editor
* custom2 - Custom size configured by the Theme Editor
* custom2 - Custom size configured by the Theme Editor
* custom3 - Custom size configured by the Theme Editor
* custom3 - Custom size configured by the Theme Editor
These are the maximum images sizes, and all images are resized to maintain the original aspect ratio, so rectangular images will have one dimension that is less than the maximum size for that image size.
These are the maximum images sizes, and all images are resized to maintain the original aspect ratio, so rectangular images will have one dimension that is less than the maximum size for that image size.
Line 84: Line 445:
|Take the link text provided and return a link to the customer account page.<br/><pre>{{ 'My Account' | customer_account_link }}</pre>
|Take the link text provided and return a link to the customer login page.<br/><pre>{{ 'Log in' | customer_login_link }}</pre>
|Take the link text provided and return a link to the customer logout page.<br/><pre>{{ 'Log out' | customer_logout_link }}</pre>
|Take the link text provided and return a link to the customer registration page.<br/><pre>{{ 'Create an account' | customer_register_link }}</pre>
|Take the link text provided and return a link to the customer reset password page.<br/><pre>{{ 'Reset Password' | customer_reset_password_link }}</pre>
!date(input, format)
|Reformat a date using an optional format string. Please see below for a list of the valid format characters.
<pre>%a - The abbreviated weekday name ("Sun")
%A - The full weekday name ("Sunday")
%b - The abbreviated month name ("Jan")
%B - The full month name ("January")
%c - The preferred local date and time representation
%d - Day of the month (01..31)
%H - Hour of the day, 24-hour clock (00..23)
%I - Hour of the day, 12-hour clock (01..12)
%j - Day of the year (001..366)
%m - Month of the year (01..12)
%M - Minute of the hour (00..59)
%p - Meridian indicator ("AM"  or  "PM")
%s - Number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
%S - Second of the minute (00..60)
%U - Week number of the current year, starting with the first Sunday as the first day of the first week (00..53)
%W - Week number of the current year, starting with the first Monday as the first day of the first week (00..53)
%w - Day of the week (Sunday is 0, 0..6)
%x - Preferred representation for the date alone, no time
%X - Preferred representation for the time alone, no date
%y - Year without a century (00..99)
%Y - Year with century
%Z - Time zone name
%% - Literal "%" character</pre>
<pre>{{ order_date | date: "%m %B, %Y" }}</pre>
!<nowiki>default(input, default_value = '')</nowiki>
|Return a default value if the input is blank or empty.
<pre>{{ input_value | default: 'Default value set' }}</pre>
|This filter is to be used in conjunction with the [[Liquid Paginate Tag]].
It will produce default pagination for the paginated collection if you pipe in the paginate hash which is created by the [[Liquid Paginate Tag | paginate]] tag.
<pre><div id="paginate">{{ paginate | default_pagination }}</div></pre>
|This filter takes one or more errors and wraps them in HTML returning a div containing an unordered list of errors.
{{ form.errors | default_errors }}
<div class="errors">
    <li>Error line 1</li>
    <li>Error line 2</li>
!divided_by(input, operand)
|Perform a division operation.
{{ 12 | divided_by: 3 }} => '4'
{{ 14 | divided_by: 3 }} => '4'
{{ 15 | divided_by: 3 }} => '5'
|Convert a string to lower case.
<pre>{{ variant.title | downcase }}</pre>
|Escape a string so that all special characters are converted to their % form and can be recognised by browsers.
This may also be aliased as "h".
<pre>{{ 'Usage: foo "bar" <baz>' | escape }}
=> "Usage: foo &amp;quot;bar&amp;quot; &amp;lt;baz&amp;gt;"</pre>
|Escape a string so that all special characters are properly escaped without affecting any existing escaped entities.
|Escape a string so that carriage returns and single and double quotes are escaped for use in Javascript segments..
<pre><a href="..." ... onmouseover="Tip('{{ item.title | escape_javascript }}')" ...></pre>
|Returns the URL for an uploaded file asset.
|Returns the URL for an uploaded file asset.
<pre>{{ 'catalog.pdf' | file_asset_url }}</pre>
<pre>{{ 'catalog.pdf' | file_asset_url }}</pre>
The above example returns the path plus filename of the specified file. In
The above example returns the path plus filename of the specified file. In
this case it could be something like:
this case it could be something like:
|Get the first element of an array.
<pre>{{ product.images | first | img_tag }}</pre>
|Round a number down to the next lowest integer.
<pre>{{ total | divided_by: 100 | floor }}</pre>
|Returns the URL for a global asset.
|Returns the URL for a global asset.
Global assets are kept in a certain directory on the Spiffy Stores web servers which is aggressively cached and compressed. Using assets from this global directory can improve the loading times of your pages dramatically. Here's a complete listing of all the global assets available:
Global assets are kept in a certain directory on the Spiffy Stores web servers which is aggressively cached and compressed. Using assets from this global directory can improve the loading times of your pages dramatically. Here's a complete listing of all the global assets available:
<pre>{{ 'prototype.js' | global_asset_url | script_tag }}
{{ 'prototype.js' | global_asset_url | script_tag }}
{{ 'builder.js' | global_asset_url | script_tag }}
{{ 'builder.js' | global_asset_url | script_tag }}
{{ 'controls.js' | global_asset_url | script_tag }}
{{ 'controls.js' | global_asset_url | script_tag }}
Line 203: Line 464:
{{ 'scriptaculous.js' | global_asset_url | script_tag }}
{{ 'scriptaculous.js' | global_asset_url | script_tag }}
{{ 'slider.js' | global_asset_url | script_tag }}
{{ 'slider.js' | global_asset_url | script_tag }}
{{ 'sound.js' | global_asset_url | script_tag }}</pre>
{{ 'sound.js' | global_asset_url | script_tag }}
<pre>{{ 'lightbox.css' | global_asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}
{{ 'lightbox.js' | global_asset_url | script_tag }}</pre>
<pre>{{ 'lightbox/v1/lightbox.css' | global_asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}
{{ 'lightbox.css' | global_asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}
{{ 'lightbox/v1/lightbox.js' | global_asset_url | script_tag }}</pre>
{{ 'lightbox.js' | global_asset_url | script_tag }}
<pre>{{ 'lightbox/v2/lightbox.css' | global_asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}
{{ 'lightbox/v2/lightbox.js' | global_asset_url | script_tag }}</pre>
{{ 'lightbox/v1/lightbox.css' | global_asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}
{{ 'lightbox/v1/lightbox.js' | global_asset_url | script_tag }}
{{ 'lightbox/v2/lightbox.css' | global_asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}
{{ 'lightbox/v2/lightbox.js' | global_asset_url | script_tag }}
|This filter converts a string into a 'handle', which is a lowercase string of words separated by a dash symbol. The handle is typically used in URLs.
|Returns the URL for a global font asset.
Global fonts assets are kept in a certain directory on the Spiffy Stores web servers which is aggressively cached and compressed. Using font assets from this global directory can improve the loading times of your pages dramatically.
@font-face {
  font-family: 'ProximaNovaLight';
  src: url("{{ 'proximanova-light-webfont.eot' | global_fonts_asset_url }}");
  src: url("{{ 'proximanova-light-webfont.eot' | global_fonts_asset_url }}#iefix") format("embedded-opentype"), url("{{ 'proximanova-light-webfont.woff' | global_fonts_asset_url }}") format("woff"), url("{{ 'proximanova-light-webfont.ttf' | global_fonts_asset_url }}") format("truetype"), url("{{ 'proximanova-light-webfont.svg' | global_fonts_asset_url }}#ProximaNovaRegular") format("svg");
  font-weight: normal;
  font-style: normal
!highlight_active_tag(tag, css_class='active')
!img_url(url, style = 'small')
|This filter creates a span with the class ''active'' around the tag if it is active. An active tag means that it is currently used to narrow down the selection of displayed  products in a given collection. A tag becomes active when someone clicks on a tag link generated by a ''link_to_tag'' or ''link_to_add_tag'' filter.
|This filter takes a ''url'' of an image filename and returns its full path. It takes an optional second parameter to set its size and returns the URL of the small sized version of the image by default.
<pre>{% for tag in collection.tags %}
  {{ tag | highlight_active_tag | link_to_tag: tag }}
The ''url'' may also be one of the following objects, and the full path appropriate to the object is returned.
{% endfor %}</pre>
* [[Liquid Template Variables - product|product]]
!<nowiki>img_tag(url, alt='', width:, height:)</nowiki>
* [[Liquid Template Variables - variant|variant]]
|This filter creates an image tag, using the ''url'' parameter as image source (<img src="...>) and an optional second parameter as an ''alt'' description of the image.
* [[Liquid Template Variables - line item|line item]]
<pre>{{ 'image.jpg' | img_tag }}
* [[Liquid Template Variables - collection|collection]]
{{ 'image.jpg' | file_asset_url | img_tag: 'Alternate Text' }}</pre>
* [[Liquid Template Variables - image|image]]
This filter also takes additional optional keyword parameters to allow you to specify the width and height of the image. If you want to use these keyword parameters, then you must specify the '''alt''' parameter.
<pre>{{ 'image.jpg' | img_tag: '', width: 100, height: 150 }}
{{ 'image.jpg' | img_tag: 'Alt text', height: 100 }}</pre>
Available Sizes
* pico (16x16)
!join(input, glue = ' ')
* icon (32x32)
|Join elements of an array with an optional join character, which defaults to a space.<br/><pre>{{ names | join: ',' }}</pre>
* thumb (50x50)
* small (100x100)
* compact (160x160)
|Get the last element of an array.<br/><pre>{{ product.images | last | img_tag }}</pre>
* medium (240x240)
* large (480x480)
* grande (800x600)
* 1024x1024 (1024x1024)
* 2048x2048 (2048x2048)
* original - No resizing, but image is resized so that it doesn't exceed 2048x2048.
* custom1 - Custom size configured by the Theme Editor
* custom2 - Custom size configured by the Theme Editor
* custom3 - Custom size configured by the Theme Editor
These are the maximum images sizes, and all images are resized to maintain the original aspect ratio, so rectangular images will have one dimension that is less than the maximum size for that image size.
If an uploaded image is smaller than a standard size, its size is maintained and it is not upscaled.
<a href="{{ product.url }}">
  <img src="{{ product | img_url: 'thumb' }}" />
!lighten_by(colour, percent)
!<nowiki>link_to(link, url, title='', target:, class:)</nowiki>
|Mix the RGB hue of the colour with White so that the RGB hue is the specified percentage of the resulting colour.<br/><pre>{{ settings.btn_colour | lighten_by: 20 }}</pre>
|A ''link_to'' filter creates a link (<a href="...>) for the given parameters. The first parameter is the link name, the second is the ''url'' and the third parameter specifies an optional title.
!<nowiki>link_to(link, url, title='', target:)</nowiki>
|A ''link_to filter'' creates a link (<a href="...>) for the given parameters. The first parameter is the link name, the second is the ''url'' and the third parameter specifies an optional title.
<pre>{{ 'Spiffy Stores' | link_to: 'http://www.spiffystores.com', 'The best shopping cart on the planet' }}</pre>
<pre>{{ 'Spiffy Stores' | link_to: 'http://www.spiffystores.com', 'The best shopping cart on the planet' }}</pre>
This filter also takes an additional optional keyword parameter to allow you to specify the target of a link. If you want to use this keyword parameter, then you must specify both the '''url''' and '''title''' parameters.
This filter also takes an additional optional keyword parameters, '''target:''' to allow you to specify the target of a link, and '''class:''' to allow you to specify a class for the link. If you want to use keyword parameters, then you must specify both the '''url''' and '''title''' parameters.
<pre>{{ 'External Site' | link_to: 'http://www.spiffystores.com', 'Link to external site', target: '_blank' }}</pre>
<pre>{{ 'External Site' | link_to: 'http://www.spiffystores.com', 'Link to external site', target: '_blank' }}</pre>
!link_to_add_tag(label, tag)
!link_to_add_tag(label, tag)
|This filter creates a link to all products in a collection that have the given tag including and all the previous tags that might have been added.<br/>
|This filter creates a link to all products in a collection that have the given tag including and all the previous tags that might have been added.
<pre>{% for tag in collection.tags %}
<pre>{% for tag in collection.tags %}
   {{ '+' | link_to_add_tag: tag }} {{ tag }}
   {{ '+' | link_to_add_tag: tag }} {{ tag }}
Line 257: Line 550:
!link_to_tag(label, tag, all=false)
!link_to_tag(label, tag, all=false)
|This filter creates a link to all products in a collection that have the given tag.<br/><pre>{% for tag in collection.tags %}
|This filter creates a link to all products in a collection that have the given tag.
<pre>{% for tag in collection.tags %}
   {{ tag | link_to_tag: tag }}
   {{ tag | link_to_tag: tag }}
{% endfor %}</pre><br/>The above code creates a list of links for each tag for each product in the collection. Each link will show all of the products in the collection that are tagged with the corresponding tag.
{% endfor %}</pre>
The above code creates a list of links for each tag for each product in the collection. Each link will show all of the products in the collection that are tagged with the corresponding tag.
!<nowiki>link_to_type(type, text='')</nowiki>
!<nowiki>link_to_type(type, text='')</nowiki>
|This filter creates a link to all items in the collection matching the given ''type''.<br/><pre>{{ "Shirt" | link_to_type }}</pre><br/>In this example, a link would be created called "Shirt" which links to all products of the type ''Shirt''.<br/><br/>A [[Liquid Template Variables - type | ''type'']] may also be passed to this filter instead of a string.<br/><br/>The text of the link may be optionally specified, and if so, it overrides the default value.<br/><pre>{{ product.type | link_to_type: 'Click this link' }}</pre>
|This filter creates a link to all items in the collection matching the given ''type''.
<pre>{{ "Shirt" | link_to_type }}</pre>
In this example, a link would be created called "Shirt" which links to all products of the type ''Shirt''.
A [[Liquid Template Variables - type | ''type'']] may also be passed to this filter instead of a string.
The text of the link may be optionally specified, and if so, it overrides the default value.
<pre>{{ product.type | link_to_type: 'Click this link' }}</pre>
!<nowiki>link_to_vendor(vendor, text='')</nowiki>
!<nowiki>link_to_vendor(vendor, text='')</nowiki>
|This filter creates a link to all items in the collection matching the given ''vendor''.<br/><pre>{{ "Spiffy" | link_to_vendor }}</pre><br/>In this example, a link would be created called "Spiffy" which links to all products belonging to the vendor ''Spiffy''.<br/><br/>A [[Liquid Template Variables - vendor | ''vendor'']] may also be passed to this filter instead of a string.<br/><br/>The text of the link may be optionally specified, and if so, it overrides the default value.<br/><pre>{{ product.vendor | link_to_vendor: 'Click this link' }}</pre>
|This filter creates a link to all items in the collection matching the given ''vendor''.
<pre>{{ "Spiffy" | link_to_vendor }}</pre>
In this example, a link would be created called "Spiffy" which links to all products belonging to the vendor ''Spiffy''.
|Strip out any tabs, spaces and newlines from the left side of a string.<br/><pre>{{ '    lots of spaces' | lstrip }}</pre>
A [[Liquid Template Variables - vendor | ''vendor'']] may also be passed to this filter instead of a string.
The text of the link may be optionally specified, and if so, it overrides the default value.
!map(input, property)
<pre>{{ product.vendor | link_to_vendor: 'Click this link' }}</pre>
|Select the elements of an array of hashes or drops using the specified property.
<pre>{{ names | map: 'last_name' }}</pre>
!minus(input, operand)
|Perform minus operation.<br/><pre>{{ 5 | minus: 1 }} => '4'</pre>
!modulo(input, operand)
|Perform modulo operation.<br/><pre>{{ 5 | modulo: 2 }} => '1'</pre>
|This filter takes a number and converts it to a string formatted based on your store currency format, which is selected from the General Preferences screen.<br/><pre>{{ 1.45 | money }}</pre><br/>By default, using AUD as the currency, this would be formatted as<br/><pre>$1.45</pre>
|This filter takes a number and rounds it to an integer number.<br/><pre>{{ 1.45 | money_rounded }}</pre><br/>In this example, this will be formatted as
|This filter takes a number and converts it to a string formatted based on your store currency format, which is selected from the General Preferences screen.<br/><pre>{{ 1.45 | money_with_currency }}</pre><br/>By default, using AUD as the currency, this would be formatted as<br/><pre>$1.45 AUD</pre>
|This filter takes a number and returns it formatted to 2 decimal places.<br/><pre>{{ 1.45 | money_without_currency }}</pre><br/>In this example, this will be formatted as<br/><pre>1.45</pre>
|Add <nowiki><br /></nowiki> tags to the beginning of all lines in the input string.<br/><pre>{{ output_lines | newline_to_br }}</pre>
|This filter returns the URL for the payment type's SVG image. It is normally used in conjunction with the ''shop.enabled_payment_types'' variable.<br/><pre>{% for type in shop.enabled_payment_types %}
|This filter returns the URL for the payment type's SVG image. It is normally used in conjunction with the ''shop.enabled_payment_types'' variable.
<pre>{% for type in shop.enabled_payment_types %}
   <img src="{{ type | payment_type_img_url }}" width="80" />
   <img src="{{ type | payment_type_img_url }}" width="80" />
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
!pluralize(input, singular, plural)
|This filter accepts a number, and two words - one for singular, one for plural and returns the singular word if the input equals 1, otherwise it returns the plural.
<pre>You have {{ cart.item_count }} {{ cart.item_count | pluralize: 'item', 'items' }} in your shopping cart.</pre>
!plus(input, operand)
|Perform plus operation.<br/><pre>{{ 1 | plus: 1 }} => '2'
{{ '1' | plus:'1' }} => '11'</pre>
!prepend(input, string)
|Add a string to the end of another string.
<pre>{{ ' and this is last' | prepend: 'This is first' }}</pre>
!product_img_url(url, style = 'small')
!product_img_url(url, style = 'small')
|This filter takes a ''url'' of a product's image filename and returns its full path. It takes an optional second parameter to set its size and returns the URL of the small sized version of the image by default.
|This filter takes a ''url'' of a product's image filename and returns its full path. It takes an optional second parameter to set its size and returns the URL of the small sized version of the image by default.
Available Sizes
Available Sizes
* pico (16x16)
* pico (16x16)
Line 331: Line 596:
* original - No resizing, but image is resized so that it doesn't exceed 2048x2048.
* original - No resizing, but image is resized so that it doesn't exceed 2048x2048.
* custom1 - Custom size configured by the Theme Editor
* custom1 - Custom size configured by the Theme Editor
* custom2 - Custom size configured by the Theme Editor
* custom2 - Custom size configured by the Theme Editor
* custom3 - Custom size configured by the Theme Editor
* custom3 - Custom size configured by the Theme Editor
These are the maximum images sizes, and all images are resized to maintain the original aspect ratio, so rectangular images will have one dimension that is less than the maximum size for that image size.
These are the maximum images sizes, and all images are resized to maintain the original aspect ratio, so rectangular images will have one dimension that is less than the maximum size for that image size.
Line 343: Line 609:
!remove(input, string)
|Remove all occurrences of a string.
|Returns the URL for a system image file.
<pre>{{ 'This is a test' | remove: 'is a' }}</pre>
<pre>{{ 'spiffy-stores-logo.gif' | system_images_url }}</pre>
The above example returns the path plus filename of the specified file that resides in the images directory on the system server. In
this case it could be something like:
You will most probably use this URL with another filter to create an image tag.
<pre>{{ 'spiffy-stores-logo.gif' | system_images_url | img_tag }}</pre>
|This filter creates a valid URL for a type name.
A [[Liquid Template Variables - type | ''type'']] may also be passed to this filter instead of a string.
|This filter creates a valid URL for a vendor name.
A [[Liquid Template Variables - vendor | ''vendor'']] may also be passed to this filter instead of a string.
=== Colour Filters ===
{| class="reference"
!adjust_brightness(colour, percent)
|Returns a new colour with the brightness adjusted by the specified percentage. Negative percentages will darken the colour; positive percentages will brighten the colour.
<pre>{{ settings.btn_colour | adjust_brightness: -20 }}</pre>
!adjust_hue(colour, percent)
|Returns a new colour with the hue adjusted by the specified percentage. Negative percentages will reduce the hue; positive percentages will increase the hue.
<pre>{{ settings.btn_colour | adjust_hue: 15 }}</pre>
!adjust_saturation(colour, percent)
|Returns a new colour with the saturation adjusted by the specified percentage. Negative percentages will reduce the saturation; positive percentages will increase the saturation.
<pre>{{ settings.btn_colour | adjust_saturation: -35 }}</pre>
|Returns a number between 0 and 100 which represents the brightness level of a colour string. Black is 0 and white is 100.
{% assign background_colour_brightness = settings.background_colour | brightness %}
{% if background_colour_brightness > 50 %}Way too bright!{% endif %}
!darken_by(colour, percent)
|Mix the RGB hue of the colour with Black so that the RGB hue is the specified percentage of the resulting colour.
<pre>{{ settings.btn_colour | darken_by: 20 }}</pre>
!lighten_by(colour, percent)
|Mix the RGB hue of the colour with White so that the RGB hue is the specified percentage of the resulting colour.
<pre>{{ settings.btn_colour | lighten_by: 20 }}</pre>
=== Enhanced Colour Filters ===
Colour filters change or extract properties from CSS colour strings. These filters are commonly used with theme colour settings.
{| class="reference"
|Converts a CSS colour string to CSS rgb() format.
<pre>{{ '#7ab55c' | colour_to_rgb }} => rgb(122, 181, 92)</pre>
<br>If the input colour has an alpha component, then the output will be in CSS rgba() format.
<pre>{{ 'hsla(100, 38%, 54%, 0.5)' | colour_to_rgb }} => rgba(122, 181, 92, 0.5)</pre>
!remove_first(input, string)
|Remove the first occurrence of a string.
|Converts a CSS colour string to raw RGB value format.
<pre>{{ 'This is a test' | remove_first: 'is' }}</pre>
<pre>{{ '#7ab55c' | colour_to_rgb_raw }} => 122, 181, 92</pre>
<br>If the input colour has an alpha component, then the output will not include the alpha compenent.
<pre>{{ 'hsla(100, 38%, 54%, 0.5)' | colour_to_rgb_raw }} => 122, 181, 92</pre>
!repeat(input, times)
|Return the input string repeated the requested number of times.
|Converts a CSS colour string to CSS hsl() format.
<pre>{{ 'Ho! ' | repeat: 3 }}</pre>
<pre>{{ '#7ab55c' | color_to_hsl }} => hsl(100, 38%, 54%)</pre>
<br>If the input colour has an alpha component, then the output will be in CSS hsla() format.
<pre>{{ 'rgba(122, 181, 92, 0.5)' | color_to_hsl }} => hsla(100, 38%, 54%, 0.5)</pre>
!<nowiki>replace(input, string, replacement = '')</nowiki>
|Replace all occurrences of a string with another.
|Converts a CSS colour string to raw HSL format.
<pre>{{ 'This is a test' | replace: 'a', 'my' }}</pre>
<pre>{{ '#7ab55c' | color_to_hsl_raw }} => 100, 38%, 54%</pre>
<br>If the input colour has an alpha component, then the output will not include the alpha component.
<pre>{{ 'rgba(122, 181, 92, 0.5)' | color_to_hsl_raw }} => 100, 38%, 54%</pre>
!<nowiki>replace_first(input, string, replacement = '')</nowiki>
|Replace the first occurrence of a string with another.
|Converts a CSS colour string to hex6 format.
<pre>{{ 'This is a test' | replace_first: 'is', 'at' }}</pre>
<pre>{{ 'rgb(122, 181, 92)' | colour_to_hex }} => #7ab55c</pre>
<br>Hex output is always in hex6 format. If there is an alpha channel in the input colour, it will not appear in the output.
<pre>{{ 'rgba(122, 181, 92, 0.5)' | colour_to_hex }} => #7ab55c</pre>
!colour_extract(colour, component)
|Reverse the order of the elements in an array of objects.
|Extracts a component from the colour. Valid components are alpha, red, green, blue, hue, saturation and lightness.
<pre>{{ collections.all.all_products | map: 'title' | reverse | join: ',' }}</pre>
<pre>{{ '#7ab55c' | color_extract: 'red' }} => 122</pre>
!round(input, precision = 0)
|Round a number up or down to the nearest value with the specified precision. By default, the precision is 0, meaning that the number will be rounded to an integer.
|Calculates the perceived brightness of the given colour. Uses W3C recommendations for calculating perceived brightness, for the purpose of ensuring adequate contrast.
<pre>You saved {{ discount | divided_by: total | times: 100 | round }}% today</pre>
<pre>{{ '#7ab55c' | colour_brightness }} => 153.21</pre>
!colour_modify(colour, component, value)
|Strip out any tabs, spaces and newlines from the right side of a string.<br/><pre>{{ 'lots of spaces    ' | rstrip }}</pre>
|Modifies the given component of a colour.
<br>- Red, green and blue values should be a number between 0 and 255
<br>- Alpha should be a decimal number between 0 and 1
<br>- Hue should be between 0 and 360 degrees
<br>- Saturation and lightness should be a value between 0 and 100 percent.
<pre>{{ '#7ab55c' | colour_modify: 'red', 255 }} => #ffb55c</pre>
<br>The filter will return a colour type that includes the modified format. Ffor example, if you modify the alpha channel, the filter will return the colour in rgba() format, even if your input colour was in hex format.
<pre>{{ '#7ab55c' | color_modify: 'alpha', 0.85 }} => rgba(122, 181, 92, 0.85)</pre>
!script_tag(url, defer = false)
!colour_lighten(colour, value)
|This filter takes a URL with a .js file and puts a script tag around it. Use this filter in the page header for all your javascript files. An option defer option may be specified which specifies that deferred loading is required for the script.
|Lightens the input colour. Takes a value between 0 and 100 percent.
<pre>{{ '#7ab55c' | colour_lighten: 30 }} => #d0e5c5</pre>
{{ 'shop.js' | asset_url | script_tag }}
{{ 'jquery.js' | global_asset_url | script_tag: true }}
!colour_brighten(colour, value)
|Return the size of an array or of a string.<br/><pre>{{ variant.title | size }}</pre>
|Brightens the input colour. Takes a value between 0 and 100 percent.
<pre>{{ '#7ab55c' | colour_brighten: 30 }} => #c7ffa9</pre>
!colour_darken(colour, value)
|Return the number of words in a string.<br/><pre>{{ article.content | size_words }}</pre>
|Darkens the input colour. Takes a value between 0 and 100 percent.
<pre>{{ '#7ab55c' | color_darken: 30 }} => #355325</pre>
!sort(input, property = nil)
!colour_saturate(colour, value)
|Sorts the elements in an array. An optional property can be specified to be used to sort an array of hashes or drops.
|Saturates the input colour. Takes a value between 0 and 100 percent.
<pre>{{ names | sort | join: ',' ) }}</pre>
<pre>{{ '#7ab55c' | color_saturate: 30 }} => #6ed938</pre>
!split(input, delimiter=$;)
!colour_desaturate(colour, value)
|Split a string into substrings based on a delimiter, returning an array of those substrings. The delimiter can be a string or a regular expression. If the delimiter is omitted, the delimiter defaults to splitting the string using whitespace as the delimiter.<br/><pre>{{ 'mellow yellow' | split: 'ello' }}</pre>
|Desaturates the input colour. Takes a value between 0 and 100 percent.
<pre>{{ '#7ab55c' | color_desaturate: 30 }} => #869180</pre>
!colour_mix(colour1, colour2, blend)
|Strip out any tabs, spaces and newlines from both the left and right sides of string.<br/><pre>{{ '   lots of spaces    ' | strip }}</pre>
|Blends together two colours. Blend factor should be a value between 0 and 100 percent.
<pre>{{ '#7ab55c' | color_mix: '#ffc0cb', 50 }} => #bdbb94</pre>
<br>If one input has an alpha component, but the other does not, an alpha component of 1 will be assumed for the input without an alpha component.
<pre>{{ 'rgba(122, 181, 92, 0.75)' | color_mix: '#ffc0cb', 50 }} => rgba(189, 187, 148, 0.875)</pre>
!colour_contrast(colour1, colour2)
|Strip out any html tags. This is a simple filter which removes any characters in the form of an HTML tag, such as "<...>". This can be useful in combination with truncate, to generate fragment summaries of formatted text.<br/><pre>{{ 'my long<br>string' | strip_html }}</pre>
|Calculates the contrast ratio between two colours. Returns the numerator part of the ratio, which has a denominator of 1. For example, for a contrast ratio of 3.5:1, the filter returns 3.5.
<br>With regards to accessibility, WCAG 2.0 level AA requires a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1 for normal text and 3:1 for large text. Level AAA requires a contrast ratio of at least 7:1 for normal text and 4.5:1 for large text.
<br>The order in which you specify the colours does not matter. The filter will automatically detect the lighter and darker colours.
<pre>{{ '#495859' | color_contrast: '#fffffb' }} => 7.4</pre>
!colour_difference(colour1, colour2)
|Remove all new lines from the string.
|Calculates the colour difference or distance between two colours. With regards to accessibility, the W3C suggests that the colour difference should be greater than 500.
<pre>{{ '#ff0000' | color_difference: '#abcdef' }} => 528</pre>
!stylesheet_tag(url, media="all")
!brightness_difference(colour1, colour2)
|This filter takes a URL with a .css file and puts a link tag around it. Use this filter in the page header for all your stylesheet files.
|Calculates the perceived brightness difference between two colours. With regards to accessibility, the W3C suggests that the brightness difference should be greater than 125.
<pre>{{ 'shop.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}</pre>
<pre>{{ '#fff00f' | brightness_difference: '#0b72ab' }} => 129</pre>
=== Customer Filters ===
{| class="reference"
!customer_account_link(link, link_class = nil)
|Take the link text provided and return a link to the customer account page.
{{ 'My Account' | customer_account_link }}
{{ 'My Account' | customer_account_link: 'btn' }}
!substring(input, start, length=nil)
!customer_login_link(link, link_class = nil)
|Return a substring from a string, starting at ''start'' for ''length'' characters. The ''start'' index is a zero-based index. If ''length'' is not specified, then all the remaining characters up to the end of the string are returned.
|Take the link text provided and return a link to the customer login page.
<pre>{{ product.title | substring: 0, 3 | upcase }}</pre>
{{ 'Log in' | customer_login_link }}
{{ 'Log in' | customer_login_link: 'btn' }}
!customer_logout_link(link, link_class = nil)
|Returns the URL for a system image file.
|Take the link text provided and return a link to the customer logout page.
<pre>{{ 'spiffy-stores-logo.gif' | system_images_url }}</pre>
The above example returns the path plus filename of the specified file that resides in the images directory on the system server. In
{{ 'Log out' | customer_logout_link }}
this case it could be something like:
{{ 'Log out' | customer_logout_link: 'btn' }}
You will most probably use this URL with another filter to create an image tag.
<pre>{{ 'spiffy-stores-logo.gif' | system_images_url | img_tag }}</pre>
!times(input, operand)
!customer_register_link(link, link_class = nil)
|Perform times operation.
|Take the link text provided and return a link to the customer registration page.
<pre>{{ 3 | times: 4 }} => '12'
{{ 'foo' | times: 4 }} => 'foofoofoofoo'</pre>
{{ 'Create an account' | customer_register_link }}
{{ 'Create an account' | customer_register_link: 'btn' }}
!truncate(input, length = 50, truncate_string = "...")
!customer_reset_password_link(link, link_class = nil)
|Truncate a string down to x characters. Additionally, a character string can be specified to indicate that truncation has occurred.<br/><pre>{{ 'my long string' | truncate: 50, '...' }}</pre>
|Take the link text provided and return a link to the customer reset password page.
{{ 'Reset Password' | customer_reset_password_link }}
{{ 'Reset Password' | customer_reset_password_link: 'btn' }}
=== URI Filters ===
{| class="reference"
|Extract the URI scheme from the URL.
<pre>{{ 'http://mystore.spiffystores.com/collections/all?colour=blue#time=1305298413' | uri_scheme }} => 'http'</pre>
!truncatewords(input, words = 15, truncate_string = "...")
|Truncate a string down to a number of words. This is the same as "truncate", except that the length is specified in words, rather than characters.<br/><pre>{{ 'my long string' | truncatewords: 2, '...' }}</pre>
|Extract the URI host from the URL.
<pre>{{ 'http://mystore.spiffystores.com/collections/all?colour=blue#time=1305298413' | uri_host }} => 'mystore.spiffystores.com'</pre>
|Unescape a string so that all special characters are converted from their % form into their original characters.
|Extract the URI path from the URL.
<pre>{{ encoded_string | unescape }}</pre>
<pre>{{ 'http://mystore.spiffystores.com/collections/all?colour=blue#time=1305298413' | uri_path }} => '/collections/all'</pre>
|Convert a string to upper case.<br/><pre>{{ variant.title | upcase }}</pre>
|Extract the URI query from the URL.
<pre>{{ 'http://mystore.spiffystores.com/collections/all?colour=blue#time=1305298413' | uri_query }} => 'colour=blue'</pre>
|Encode a string so that it can be used in a URL.
|Extract the URI fragment from the URL.
<pre>{{ "Programming Ruby: The Pragmatic Programmer's Guide" | url_encode }}
<pre>{{ 'http://mystore.spiffystores.com/collections/all?colour=blue#time=1305298413' | uri_fragment }} => 'time=1305298413'</pre>
=== Additional Filters ===
{| class="reference"
!date(input, format)
|Reformat a date using an optional format string. Please see below for a list of the valid format characters.
%a - The abbreviated weekday name ("Sun")
%A - The full weekday name ("Sunday")
%b - The abbreviated month name ("Jan")
%B - The full month name ("January")
%c - The preferred local date and time representation
%d - Day of the month (01..31)
%o - Day of the month as an ordinal (1st, 2nd, 3rd...31st)
%H - Hour of the day, 24-hour clock (00..23)
%I - Hour of the day, 12-hour clock (01..12)
%j - Day of the year (001..366)
%m - Month of the year (01..12)
%M - Minute of the hour (00..59)
%p - Meridian indicator ("AM"  or  "PM")
%s - Number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
%S - Second of the minute (00..60)
%U - Week number of the current year, starting with the first Sunday as the first day of the first week (00..53)
%W - Week number of the current year, starting with the first Monday as the first day of the first week (00..53)
%w - Day of the week (Sunday is 0, 0..6)
%x - Preferred representation for the date alone, no time
%X - Preferred representation for the time alone, no date
%y - Year without a century (00..99)
%Y - Year with century
%Z - Time zone name
%% - Literal "%" character
<pre>{{ order_date | date: "%d %B, %Y" }} => 31 December, 2018</pre>
You can pass a ''format'' parameter to the date filter to display the date in a format specific to the store's language. There are a number of different format options available.
* abbreviated_date - 31 Dec, 2018
* basic - 31/12/2018
* date - 31 December, 2018
* default - Monday, 31st December, 2018
* on_date - on 31 Dec, 2018
* iso8601 - 2018-12-31T00:00:00+10:00
{{ order.created_at | date: format: 'abbreviated_date' }} => 31 Dec, 2018
The 'now' literal can be used with the date filter to reference the current date and time. The date and time is always returned using the time zone of the store, as specified in the Toolbox Preferences -> Standards & formats.
{% capture day_name %}{{ 'now' | date: "%A" }}{% endcapture %}
{% capture current_time %}{{ 'now' | date: "%H:%M" }}{% endcapture %}
<p>Today is {{ day_name }}, and the time is {{ current_time }}.</p>
=> "Programming%20Ruby%3A%20%20The%20Pragmatic%20Programmer%27s%20Guide"</pre>
Today is Sunday, and the time is 13:09.
!<nowiki>default(input, default_value = '')</nowiki>
|Return a default value if the input is blank or empty.
<pre>{{ input_value | default: 'Default value set' }}</pre>
|This filter is to be used in conjunction with the [[Liquid Paginate Tag]].
It will produce default pagination for the paginated collection if you pipe in the paginate hash which is created by the [[Liquid Paginate Tag | paginate]] tag.
<pre><div id="paginate">{{ paginate | default_pagination }}</div></pre>
|This filter creates a valid URL for a type name.<br/><br/>A [[Liquid Template Variables - type | ''type'']] may also be passed to this filter instead of a string.
|This filter takes one or more errors and wraps them in HTML returning a div containing an unordered list of errors.
{{ form.errors | default_errors }}
<div class="errors">
    <li>Error line 1</li>
    <li>Error line 2</li>
!highlight_active_tag(tag, css_class='active')
|This filter creates a valid URL for a vendor name.<br/><br/>A [[Liquid Template Variables - vendor | ''vendor'']] may also be passed to this filter instead of a string.
|This filter creates a span with the class ''active'' around the tag if it is active. An active tag means that it is currently used to narrow down the selection of displayed  products in a given collection. A tag becomes active when someone clicks on a tag link generated by a ''link_to_tag'' or ''link_to_add_tag'' filter.
<pre>{% for tag in collection.tags %}
  {{ tag | highlight_active_tag | link_to_tag: tag }}
{% endfor %}</pre>
|This filter takes a text string and returns a QR Code as an SVG which can be directly included in a template.
<div id="qr_code" style="width:180px;height:180px">
  {{ gift_card.qr_identifier | qrcode }}
The following example would generate a QR Code to link to a specific product.
<div style="width:180px;height:180px">
  {{ shop.url | append: product.url | qrcode }}

Latest revision as of 10:31, 27 October 2023


A filter can be applied to modify the output of an expression within an output tag "{{ ... }}" or an assign tag.

The filter is specified by adding a pipe character "|", followed by the required filter.

<!-- product.title = "Spiffy Stores" -->

{{ product.title | upcase }} => SPIFFY STORES

Some filters can also take arguments.

{{ product.title | remove: "Stores" }} => Spiffy

Multiple filters can be applied in the one expression and chained together.

{{ product.title | remove: "Stores" | upcase }} => SPIFFY

Array Filters

compact(input, property = nil) Remove all nil elements from the array. An optional property can be specified to determine which property is to be tested in an array of hashes or drops.
{% assign compact_products = collection.products | compact: 'weight' %}
concat(array1, array2) Concatenate or join two arrays together.
{{ first_array | concat: second_array }}
first(array) Get the first element of an array.
{{ product.images | first | img_tag }}
intersect(input, array) Calculate the intersection between two arrays. This returns an array of all elements common to both input arrays.
{{ names | intersect: reserved_names }}
join(input, glue = ' ') Join elements of an array with an optional join character, which defaults to a space.
{{ names | join: ',' }}
last(array) Get the last element of an array.
{{ product.images | last | img_tag }}
map(input, property) Select the elements of an array of hashes or drops using the specified property.
{{ names | map: 'last_name' }}
reverse(input) Reverse the order of the elements in an array of objects.
{{ collections.all.all_products | map: 'title' | reverse | join: ',' }}
size(input) Return the size of an array or of a string.
{{ variant.title | size }}
sort(input, property = nil) Sorts the elements in an array. An optional property can be specified to be used to sort an array of hashes or drops.

The order of the sorted array is case-sensitive.

{% assign products = collection.products | sort: 'title' %}
sort_natural(input, property = nil) Sorts the elements in an array. An optional property can be specified to be used to sort an array of hashes or drops.

The order of the sorted array is not case-sensitive.

{% assign products = collection.products | sort_natural: 'title' %}
where(input, property, target_value = nil) Filter the elements of an array and only include those elements containing a certain property value.
{% assign filtered_products = collection.products | where: 'title', 'Demo Product' %}
uniq(input, property = nil) Remove duplicate elements from the array. An optional property can be specified to determine which property is to be used to determine uniqueness in an array of hashes or drops.
{% assign unique_products = collection.products | uniq: 'title' %}

HTML Filters

img_tag(url, alt='', width:, height:, id:) This filter creates an image tag, using the url parameter as image source (<img src="...>) and an optional second parameter as an alt description of the image.
{{ 'image.jpg' | img_tag }}
{{ 'image.jpg' | file_asset_url | img_tag: 'Alternate Text' }}

This filter also takes additional optional keyword parameters to allow you to specify the width and height and the id of the image. If you want to use these keyword parameters, then you must specify the alt parameter.

{{ 'image.jpg' | img_tag: '', width: 100, height: 150 }}
{{ 'image.jpg' | img_tag: 'Alt text', height: 100, id: 'product_image' }}
script_tag(url, defer = false) This filter takes a URL with a .js file and puts a script tag around it. Use this filter in the page header for all your javascript files. An option defer option may be specified which specifies that deferred loading is required for the script.
{{ 'shop.js' | asset_url | script_tag }}
{{ 'jquery.js' | global_asset_url | script_tag: true }}
stylesheet_tag(url, media="all") This filter takes a URL with a .css file and puts a link tag around it. Use this filter in the page header for all your stylesheet files.
{{ 'shop.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}

Mathematics Filters

abs(input) Returns the absolute value of a number. This filter will also work with strings if the string contains only a number.
{{ -42 | abs }} => 42
{{ "-32.45" | abs }} => 32.45
at_most(input) Limits a number to a maximum value.
{{ 3 | at_most: 2 }} => 2
at_least(input) Limits a number to a minimum value.
{{ 3 | at_least: 5 }} => 5
ceil(input) Round a number up to the next highest integer.
{{ total | divided_by: 100 | ceil }}
divided_by(input, operand) Perform a division operation.
{{ 12 | divided_by: 3 }} => 4
{{ 14 | divided_by: 3 }} => 4
{{ 15 | divided_by: 3 }} => 5
floor(input) Round a number down to the next lowest integer.
{{ total | divided_by: 100 | floor }}
minus(input, operand) Perform minus operation.
{{ 5 | minus: 1 }} => 4
modulo(input, operand) Perform modulo operation.
{{ 5 | modulo: 2 }} => 1
plus(input, operand) Perform plus operation.
{{ 1 | plus: 1 }} => 2
{{ '1' | plus: '1' }} => 11
round(input, precision = 0) Round a number up or down to the nearest value with the specified precision. By default, the precision is 0, meaning that the number will be rounded to an integer.
You saved {{ discount | divided_by: total | times: 100 | round }}% today
times(input, operand) Perform times operation.
{{ 3 | times: 4 }} => 12
{{ 'foo' | times: 4 }} => 'foofoofoofoo'

Money Filters

money(money) This filter takes a number and converts it to a string formatted based on your store currency format, which is selected from the General Preferences screen.
{{ 1.45 | money }}

By default, using AUD as the currency, this would be formatted as

money_rounded(money) This filter takes a number and rounds it to an integer number.
{{ 1.45 | money_rounded }}

In this example, this will be formatted as

money_with_currency(money) This filter takes a number and converts it to a string formatted based on your store currency format, which is selected from the General Preferences screen.
{{ 1.45 | money_with_currency }} => $1.45 AUD

where AUD is the default currency for the store.

money_without_currency(money) This filter takes a number and returns it formatted to 2 decimal places.
{{ 1.45 | money_without_currency }} => 1.45
money_without_trailing_zeros(money, currency = false) This filter takes a number and converts it to a string formatted based on your store currency format, which is selected from the General Preferences screen. If the number represents a whole number, then the trailing zeros and decimal point are not printed. Otherwise, the number is formatted normally.
{{ 20.00 | money_without_trailing_zeros }} => $20

{{ 14.35 | money_without_trailing_zeros }} => $14.35

An optional flag can be set to indicate that the store currency format should be used instead.

{{ 20.00 | money_without_trailing_zeros: true }} => $20 AUD

{{ 14.35 | money_without_trailing_zeros: true }} => $14.35 AUD

Hash Filters

keys(input) Return all the keys of the Hash.
{% assign option_keys = product.metafields.custom.options | keys %}

String Filters

append(input, string) Add a string to the beginning of another string.
{{ 'This is first' | append: ' and this is last' }}
capitalize(input) Capitalize the first word in the input string.
{{ variant.title | capitalize }}
downcase(input) Convert a string to lower case.
{{ variant.title | downcase }}
escape(input) Escape a string so that all special characters are converted to their HTML '&' form which is used in HTML markup.

This may also be aliased as "h".

{{ 'Usage: foo "bar" <baz>' | escape }}

=> "Usage: foo &quot;bar&quot; &lt;baz&gt;"
escape_once(input) Escape a string so that all special characters are properly escaped without affecting any existing escaped entities.
escape_javascript(input) Escape a string so that carriage returns and single and double quotes are escaped for use in Javascript segments..
<a href="..." ... onmouseover="Tip('{{ item.title | escape_javascript | escape }}')" ...>
handle/handleize(string) This filter converts a string into a 'handle', which is a lowercase string of words separated by a dash symbol. The handle is typically used in URLs.
lstrip(input) Strip out any tabs, spaces and newlines from the left side of a string.
{{ '    lots of spaces' | lstrip }}
md5(input) Generate an MD5 hash from the input.
<img src="https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/{{ comment.email | remove: ' ' | strip_newlines | downcase | md5 }}" />
newline_to_br(input) Add <br/> tags to the beginning of all lines in the input string.
{{ output_lines | newline_to_br }}
pluralize(input, singular, plural) This filter accepts a number, and two words - one for singular, one for plural and returns the singular word if the input equals 1, otherwise it returns the plural.
You have {{ cart.item_count }} {{ cart.item_count | pluralize: 'item', 'items' }} in your shopping cart.
prepend(input, string) Add a string to the end of another string.
{{ ' and this is last' | prepend: 'This is first' }}
remove(input, string) Remove all occurrences of a string.
{{ 'This is a test' | remove: 'is a' }}
remove_first(input, string) Remove the first occurrence of a string.
{{ 'This is a test' | remove_first: 'is' }}
repeat(input, times) Return the input string repeated the requested number of times.
{{ 'Ho! ' | repeat: 3 }}
replace(input, string, replacement = '') Replace all occurrences of a string with another.
{{ 'This is a test' | replace: 'a', 'my' }}
replace_first(input, string, replacement = '') Replace the first occurrence of a string with another.
{{ 'This is a test' | replace_first: 'is', 'at' }}
rstrip(input) Strip out any tabs, spaces and newlines from the right side of a string.
{{ 'lots of spaces    ' | rstrip }}
size(input) Return the size of an array or of a string.
{{ variant.title | size }}
size_words(input) Return the number of words in a string.
{{ article.content | size_words }}
slice(offset, length = 1) Slice a string and return a substring, starting at the specified offset. An optional second parameter can be passed to specify the length of the substring. If no second parameter is given, a substring of one character will be returned.
{{ "spiffy" | slice: 0 }} => "s"
{{ "spiffy" | slice: 1 }} => "p"
{{ "spiffy" | slice: 1, 3 }} => "pif"
split(input, delimiter=$;) Split a string into substrings based on a delimiter, returning an array of those substrings. The delimiter can be a string or a regular expression. If the delimiter is omitted, the delimiter defaults to splitting the string using whitespace as the delimiter.
{{ 'mellow yellow' | split: 'ello' }}
strip(input) Strip out any tabs, spaces and newlines from both the left and right sides of string.
{{ '    lots of spaces    ' | strip }}
strip_html(input) Strip out any html tags. This is a simple filter which removes any characters in the form of an HTML tag, such as "<...>". This can be useful in combination with truncate, to generate fragment summaries of formatted text.
{{ 'my long<br>string' | strip_html }}
strip_newlines(input) Remove all new lines from the string.
substring(input, start, length=nil) Return a substring from a string, starting at start for length characters. The start index is a zero-based index. If length is not specified, then all the remaining characters up to the end of the string are returned.
{{ product.title | substring: 0, 3 | upcase }}
titleize(input) Capitalize all words in the input string.
{{ variant.title | titleize }}
truncate(input, length = 50, truncate_string = "...") Truncate a string down to x characters. Additionally, a character string can be specified to indicate that truncation has occurred.
{{ 'my long string' | truncate: 50, '...' }}
truncatewords(input, words = 15, truncate_string = "...") Truncate a string down to a number of words. This is the same as "truncate", except that the length is specified in words, rather than characters.
{{ 'my long string' | truncatewords: 2, '...' }}
unescape(input) Unescape a string so that all special characters are converted from their HTML '&' form into their original characters.
{{ "Usage: foo "bar" <baz>" | unescape }}

=> Usage: foo "bar" <baz>
upcase(input) Convert a string to upper case.
{{ variant.title | upcase }}
url_decode(input) Decode a URL encoded string.
{{ "Programming%20Ruby%3A%20%20The%20Pragmatic%20Programmer%27s%20Guide" | url_decode }}

=> "Programming Ruby:  The Pragmatic Programmer's Guide"
url_encode(input) Encode a string so that it can be used in a URL.
{{ "Programming Ruby:  The Pragmatic Programmer's Guide" | url_encode }}

=> "Programming%20Ruby%3A%20%20The%20Pragmatic%20Programmer%27s%20Guide"

URL Filters

asset_url(input) Returns the URL for an asset.
{{ 'shop.css' | asset_url }}

The above example returns the path plus filename of the specified file. In this case it could be something like:


You will most probably use this URL with another filter to create a link or an include tag, for instance:

{{ 'shop.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}
collection_img_url(url, style = 'small') This filter takes a url of a collection's image filename and returns its full path. It takes an optional second parameter to set its size and returns the URL of the small sized version of the image by default.
Available Sizes
* pico (16x16)
* icon (32x32)
* thumb (50x50)
* small (100x100)
* compact (160x160)
* medium (240x240)
* large (480x480)
* grande (800x600)
* 1024x1024 (1024x1024)
* 2048x2048 (2048x2048)
* original - No resizing, but image is resized so that it doesn't exceed 2048x2048.
* custom1 - Custom size configured by the Theme Editor
* custom2 - Custom size configured by the Theme Editor
* custom3 - Custom size configured by the Theme Editor

These are the maximum images sizes, and all images are resized to maintain the original aspect ratio, so rectangular images will have one dimension that is less than the maximum size for that image size.

If an uploaded image is smaller than a standard size, its size is maintained and it is not upscaled.

<a href="{{collection.url}}">
  <img src="{{ collection.image | collection_img_url: 'thumb' }}" />
file_asset_url(input) Returns the URL for an uploaded file asset.
{{ 'catalog.pdf' | file_asset_url }}

The above example returns the path plus filename of the specified file. In this case it could be something like:

global_asset_url(input) Returns the URL for a global asset.

Global assets are kept in a certain directory on the Spiffy Stores web servers which is aggressively cached and compressed. Using assets from this global directory can improve the loading times of your pages dramatically. Here's a complete listing of all the global assets available:

{{ 'prototype.js' | global_asset_url | script_tag }}
{{ 'builder.js' | global_asset_url | script_tag }}
{{ 'controls.js' | global_asset_url | script_tag }}
{{ 'dragdrop.js' | global_asset_url | script_tag }}
{{ 'effects.js' | global_asset_url | script_tag }}
{{ 'scriptaculous.js' | global_asset_url | script_tag }}
{{ 'slider.js' | global_asset_url | script_tag }}
{{ 'sound.js' | global_asset_url | script_tag }}
{{ 'lightbox.css' | global_asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}
{{ 'lightbox.js' | global_asset_url | script_tag }}
{{ 'lightbox/v1/lightbox.css' | global_asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}
{{ 'lightbox/v1/lightbox.js' | global_asset_url | script_tag }}
{{ 'lightbox/v2/lightbox.css' | global_asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}
{{ 'lightbox/v2/lightbox.js' | global_asset_url | script_tag }}
global_fonts_asset_url(input) Returns the URL for a global font asset.

Global fonts assets are kept in a certain directory on the Spiffy Stores web servers which is aggressively cached and compressed. Using font assets from this global directory can improve the loading times of your pages dramatically.

@font-face {
  font-family: 'ProximaNovaLight';
  src: url("{{ 'proximanova-light-webfont.eot' | global_fonts_asset_url }}");
  src: url("{{ 'proximanova-light-webfont.eot' | global_fonts_asset_url }}#iefix") format("embedded-opentype"), url("{{ 'proximanova-light-webfont.woff' | global_fonts_asset_url }}") format("woff"), url("{{ 'proximanova-light-webfont.ttf' | global_fonts_asset_url }}") format("truetype"), url("{{ 'proximanova-light-webfont.svg' | global_fonts_asset_url }}#ProximaNovaRegular") format("svg");
  font-weight: normal;
  font-style: normal
img_url(url, style = 'small') This filter takes a url of an image filename and returns its full path. It takes an optional second parameter to set its size and returns the URL of the small sized version of the image by default.

The url may also be one of the following objects, and the full path appropriate to the object is returned.

Available Sizes
* pico (16x16)
* icon (32x32)
* thumb (50x50)
* small (100x100)
* compact (160x160)
* medium (240x240)
* large (480x480)
* grande (800x600)
* 1024x1024 (1024x1024)
* 2048x2048 (2048x2048)
* original - No resizing, but image is resized so that it doesn't exceed 2048x2048.
* custom1 - Custom size configured by the Theme Editor
* custom2 - Custom size configured by the Theme Editor
* custom3 - Custom size configured by the Theme Editor

These are the maximum images sizes, and all images are resized to maintain the original aspect ratio, so rectangular images will have one dimension that is less than the maximum size for that image size.

If an uploaded image is smaller than a standard size, its size is maintained and it is not upscaled.

<a href="{{ product.url }}">
  <img src="{{ product | img_url: 'thumb' }}" />
link_to(link, url, title='', target:, class:) A link_to filter creates a link (<a href="...>) for the given parameters. The first parameter is the link name, the second is the url and the third parameter specifies an optional title.
{{ 'Spiffy Stores' | link_to: 'http://www.spiffystores.com', 'The best shopping cart on the planet' }}

This filter also takes an additional optional keyword parameters, target: to allow you to specify the target of a link, and class: to allow you to specify a class for the link. If you want to use keyword parameters, then you must specify both the url and title parameters.

{{ 'External Site' | link_to: 'http://www.spiffystores.com', 'Link to external site', target: '_blank' }}
link_to_add_tag(label, tag) This filter creates a link to all products in a collection that have the given tag including and all the previous tags that might have been added.
{% for tag in collection.tags %}
   {{ '+' | link_to_add_tag: tag }} {{ tag }}
{% endfor %}

The above code creates a list of links for each tag for each product in the collection. In this case, the '+' is the clickable link name followed by a tag name. Using this filter, you can specify the search by using more than just one tag. For example, you can add the tags "green", "summer sale" and "cheap" within a collection called "clothing" and it would show you only products that are in this collection that also have all of the added tags.

link_to_remove_tag(label, tag) This filter creates a link to all products in a collection with the given tag removed, but maintaining all of the previous tags that have been added.
{% for tag in collection.tags %}
   {{ '-' | link_to_remove_tag: tag }} {{ tag }}
{% endfor %}
link_to_tag(label, tag, all=false) This filter creates a link to all products in a collection that have the given tag.
{% for tag in collection.tags %}
   {{ tag | link_to_tag: tag }}
{% endfor %}

The above code creates a list of links for each tag for each product in the collection. Each link will show all of the products in the collection that are tagged with the corresponding tag.

link_to_type(type, text='') This filter creates a link to all items in the collection matching the given type.
{{ "Shirt" | link_to_type }}

In this example, a link would be created called "Shirt" which links to all products of the type Shirt. A type may also be passed to this filter instead of a string. The text of the link may be optionally specified, and if so, it overrides the default value.

{{ product.type | link_to_type: 'Click this link' }}
link_to_vendor(vendor, text='') This filter creates a link to all items in the collection matching the given vendor.
{{ "Spiffy" | link_to_vendor }}

In this example, a link would be created called "Spiffy" which links to all products belonging to the vendor Spiffy. A vendor may also be passed to this filter instead of a string. The text of the link may be optionally specified, and if so, it overrides the default value.

{{ product.vendor | link_to_vendor: 'Click this link' }}
payment_type_img_url(type) This filter returns the URL for the payment type's SVG image. It is normally used in conjunction with the shop.enabled_payment_types variable.
{% for type in shop.enabled_payment_types %}
  <img src="{{ type | payment_type_img_url }}" width="80" />
{% endfor %}
product_img_url(url, style = 'small') This filter takes a url of a product's image filename and returns its full path. It takes an optional second parameter to set its size and returns the URL of the small sized version of the image by default.
Available Sizes
* pico (16x16)
* icon (32x32)
* thumb (50x50)
* small (100x100)
* compact (160x160)
* medium (240x240)
* large (480x480)
* grande (800x600)
* 1024x1024 (1024x1024)
* 2048x2048 (2048x2048)
* original - No resizing, but image is resized so that it doesn't exceed 2048x2048.
* custom1 - Custom size configured by the Theme Editor
* custom2 - Custom size configured by the Theme Editor
* custom3 - Custom size configured by the Theme Editor

These are the maximum images sizes, and all images are resized to maintain the original aspect ratio, so rectangular images will have one dimension that is less than the maximum size for that image size.

If an uploaded image is smaller than a standard size, its size is maintained and it is not upscaled.

<a href="{{product.url}}">
  <img src="{{ product.featured_image | product_img_url: 'thumb' }}" />
system_images_url(input) Returns the URL for a system image file.
{{ 'spiffy-stores-logo.gif' | system_images_url }}

The above example returns the path plus filename of the specified file that resides in the images directory on the system server. In this case it could be something like:


You will most probably use this URL with another filter to create an image tag.

{{ 'spiffy-stores-logo.gif' | system_images_url | img_tag }}
url_for_type(type) This filter creates a valid URL for a type name.

A type may also be passed to this filter instead of a string.

url_for_vendor(vendor) This filter creates a valid URL for a vendor name.

A vendor may also be passed to this filter instead of a string.

Colour Filters

adjust_brightness(colour, percent) Returns a new colour with the brightness adjusted by the specified percentage. Negative percentages will darken the colour; positive percentages will brighten the colour.
{{ settings.btn_colour | adjust_brightness: -20 }}
adjust_hue(colour, percent) Returns a new colour with the hue adjusted by the specified percentage. Negative percentages will reduce the hue; positive percentages will increase the hue.
{{ settings.btn_colour | adjust_hue: 15 }}
adjust_saturation(colour, percent) Returns a new colour with the saturation adjusted by the specified percentage. Negative percentages will reduce the saturation; positive percentages will increase the saturation.
{{ settings.btn_colour | adjust_saturation: -35 }}
brightness(input) Returns a number between 0 and 100 which represents the brightness level of a colour string. Black is 0 and white is 100.
{% assign background_colour_brightness = settings.background_colour | brightness %}
{% if background_colour_brightness > 50 %}Way too bright!{% endif %}
darken_by(colour, percent) Mix the RGB hue of the colour with Black so that the RGB hue is the specified percentage of the resulting colour.
{{ settings.btn_colour | darken_by: 20 }}
lighten_by(colour, percent) Mix the RGB hue of the colour with White so that the RGB hue is the specified percentage of the resulting colour.
{{ settings.btn_colour | lighten_by: 20 }}

Enhanced Colour Filters

Colour filters change or extract properties from CSS colour strings. These filters are commonly used with theme colour settings.

colour_to_rgb(colour) Converts a CSS colour string to CSS rgb() format.
{{ '#7ab55c' | colour_to_rgb }} => rgb(122, 181, 92)

If the input colour has an alpha component, then the output will be in CSS rgba() format.

{{ 'hsla(100, 38%, 54%, 0.5)' | colour_to_rgb }} => rgba(122, 181, 92, 0.5)
colour_to_rgb_raw(colour) Converts a CSS colour string to raw RGB value format.
{{ '#7ab55c' | colour_to_rgb_raw }} => 122, 181, 92

If the input colour has an alpha component, then the output will not include the alpha compenent.

{{ 'hsla(100, 38%, 54%, 0.5)' | colour_to_rgb_raw }} => 122, 181, 92
colour_to_hsl(colour) Converts a CSS colour string to CSS hsl() format.
{{ '#7ab55c' | color_to_hsl }} => hsl(100, 38%, 54%)

If the input colour has an alpha component, then the output will be in CSS hsla() format.

{{ 'rgba(122, 181, 92, 0.5)' | color_to_hsl }} => hsla(100, 38%, 54%, 0.5)
colour_to_hsl_raw(colour) Converts a CSS colour string to raw HSL format.
{{ '#7ab55c' | color_to_hsl_raw }} => 100, 38%, 54%

If the input colour has an alpha component, then the output will not include the alpha component.

{{ 'rgba(122, 181, 92, 0.5)' | color_to_hsl_raw }} => 100, 38%, 54%
colour_to_hex(colour) Converts a CSS colour string to hex6 format.
{{ 'rgb(122, 181, 92)' | colour_to_hex }} => #7ab55c

Hex output is always in hex6 format. If there is an alpha channel in the input colour, it will not appear in the output.

{{ 'rgba(122, 181, 92, 0.5)' | colour_to_hex }} => #7ab55c
colour_extract(colour, component) Extracts a component from the colour. Valid components are alpha, red, green, blue, hue, saturation and lightness.
{{ '#7ab55c' | color_extract: 'red' }} => 122
colour_brightness(colour) Calculates the perceived brightness of the given colour. Uses W3C recommendations for calculating perceived brightness, for the purpose of ensuring adequate contrast.
{{ '#7ab55c' | colour_brightness }} => 153.21
colour_modify(colour, component, value) Modifies the given component of a colour.

- Red, green and blue values should be a number between 0 and 255
- Alpha should be a decimal number between 0 and 1
- Hue should be between 0 and 360 degrees
- Saturation and lightness should be a value between 0 and 100 percent.

{{ '#7ab55c' | colour_modify: 'red', 255 }} => #ffb55c

The filter will return a colour type that includes the modified format. Ffor example, if you modify the alpha channel, the filter will return the colour in rgba() format, even if your input colour was in hex format.

{{ '#7ab55c' | color_modify: 'alpha', 0.85 }} => rgba(122, 181, 92, 0.85)
colour_lighten(colour, value) Lightens the input colour. Takes a value between 0 and 100 percent.
{{ '#7ab55c' | colour_lighten: 30 }} => #d0e5c5
colour_brighten(colour, value) Brightens the input colour. Takes a value between 0 and 100 percent.
{{ '#7ab55c' | colour_brighten: 30 }} => #c7ffa9
colour_darken(colour, value) Darkens the input colour. Takes a value between 0 and 100 percent.
{{ '#7ab55c' | color_darken: 30 }} => #355325
colour_saturate(colour, value) Saturates the input colour. Takes a value between 0 and 100 percent.
{{ '#7ab55c' | color_saturate: 30 }} => #6ed938
colour_desaturate(colour, value) Desaturates the input colour. Takes a value between 0 and 100 percent.
{{ '#7ab55c' | color_desaturate: 30 }} => #869180
colour_mix(colour1, colour2, blend) Blends together two colours. Blend factor should be a value between 0 and 100 percent.
{{ '#7ab55c' | color_mix: '#ffc0cb', 50 }} => #bdbb94

If one input has an alpha component, but the other does not, an alpha component of 1 will be assumed for the input without an alpha component.

{{ 'rgba(122, 181, 92, 0.75)' | color_mix: '#ffc0cb', 50 }} => rgba(189, 187, 148, 0.875)
colour_contrast(colour1, colour2) Calculates the contrast ratio between two colours. Returns the numerator part of the ratio, which has a denominator of 1. For example, for a contrast ratio of 3.5:1, the filter returns 3.5.

With regards to accessibility, WCAG 2.0 level AA requires a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1 for normal text and 3:1 for large text. Level AAA requires a contrast ratio of at least 7:1 for normal text and 4.5:1 for large text.
The order in which you specify the colours does not matter. The filter will automatically detect the lighter and darker colours.

{{ '#495859' | color_contrast: '#fffffb' }} => 7.4
colour_difference(colour1, colour2) Calculates the colour difference or distance between two colours. With regards to accessibility, the W3C suggests that the colour difference should be greater than 500.
{{ '#ff0000' | color_difference: '#abcdef' }} => 528
brightness_difference(colour1, colour2) Calculates the perceived brightness difference between two colours. With regards to accessibility, the W3C suggests that the brightness difference should be greater than 125.
{{ '#fff00f' | brightness_difference: '#0b72ab' }} => 129

Customer Filters

customer_account_link(link, link_class = nil) Take the link text provided and return a link to the customer account page.
{{ 'My Account' | customer_account_link }}
{{ 'My Account' | customer_account_link: 'btn' }}
customer_login_link(link, link_class = nil) Take the link text provided and return a link to the customer login page.
{{ 'Log in' | customer_login_link }}
{{ 'Log in' | customer_login_link: 'btn' }}
customer_logout_link(link, link_class = nil) Take the link text provided and return a link to the customer logout page.
{{ 'Log out' | customer_logout_link }}
{{ 'Log out' | customer_logout_link: 'btn' }}
customer_register_link(link, link_class = nil) Take the link text provided and return a link to the customer registration page.
{{ 'Create an account' | customer_register_link }}
{{ 'Create an account' | customer_register_link: 'btn' }}
customer_reset_password_link(link, link_class = nil) Take the link text provided and return a link to the customer reset password page.
{{ 'Reset Password' | customer_reset_password_link }}
{{ 'Reset Password' | customer_reset_password_link: 'btn' }}

URI Filters

uri_scheme(url) Extract the URI scheme from the URL.
{{ 'http://mystore.spiffystores.com/collections/all?colour=blue#time=1305298413' | uri_scheme }} => 'http'
uri_host(url) Extract the URI host from the URL.
{{ 'http://mystore.spiffystores.com/collections/all?colour=blue#time=1305298413' | uri_host }} => 'mystore.spiffystores.com'
uri_path(url) Extract the URI path from the URL.
{{ 'http://mystore.spiffystores.com/collections/all?colour=blue#time=1305298413' | uri_path }} => '/collections/all'
uri_query(url) Extract the URI query from the URL.
{{ 'http://mystore.spiffystores.com/collections/all?colour=blue#time=1305298413' | uri_query }} => 'colour=blue'
uri_fragment(url) Extract the URI fragment from the URL.
{{ 'http://mystore.spiffystores.com/collections/all?colour=blue#time=1305298413' | uri_fragment }} => 'time=1305298413'

Additional Filters

date(input, format) Reformat a date using an optional format string. Please see below for a list of the valid format characters.
%a - The abbreviated weekday name ("Sun")
%A - The full weekday name ("Sunday")
%b - The abbreviated month name ("Jan")
%B - The full month name ("January")
%c - The preferred local date and time representation
%d - Day of the month (01..31)
%o - Day of the month as an ordinal (1st, 2nd, 3rd...31st)
%H - Hour of the day, 24-hour clock (00..23)
%I - Hour of the day, 12-hour clock (01..12)
%j - Day of the year (001..366)
%m - Month of the year (01..12)
%M - Minute of the hour (00..59)
%p - Meridian indicator ("AM"  or  "PM")
%s - Number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
%S - Second of the minute (00..60)
%U - Week number of the current year, starting with the first Sunday as the first day of the first week (00..53)
%W - Week number of the current year, starting with the first Monday as the first day of the first week (00..53)
%w - Day of the week (Sunday is 0, 0..6)
%x - Preferred representation for the date alone, no time
%X - Preferred representation for the time alone, no date
%y - Year without a century (00..99)
%Y - Year with century
%Z - Time zone name
%% - Literal "%" character
{{ order_date | date: "%d %B, %Y" }} => 31 December, 2018

You can pass a format parameter to the date filter to display the date in a format specific to the store's language. There are a number of different format options available.

* abbreviated_date - 31 Dec, 2018
* basic - 31/12/2018
* date - 31 December, 2018
* default - Monday, 31st December, 2018
* on_date - on 31 Dec, 2018
* iso8601 - 2018-12-31T00:00:00+10:00
{{ order.created_at | date: format: 'abbreviated_date' }} => 31 Dec, 2018

The 'now' literal can be used with the date filter to reference the current date and time. The date and time is always returned using the time zone of the store, as specified in the Toolbox Preferences -> Standards & formats.

{% capture day_name %}{{ 'now' | date: "%A" }}{% endcapture %} 
{% capture current_time %}{{ 'now' | date: "%H:%M" }}{% endcapture %}
<p>Today is {{ day_name }}, and the time is {{ current_time }}.</p>


Today is Sunday, and the time is 13:09.
default(input, default_value = '') Return a default value if the input is blank or empty.
{{ input_value | default: 'Default value set' }}
default_pagination(paginate) This filter is to be used in conjunction with the Liquid Paginate Tag.

It will produce default pagination for the paginated collection if you pipe in the paginate hash which is created by the paginate tag.

<div id="paginate">{{ paginate | default_pagination }}</div>
default_errors(errors) This filter takes one or more errors and wraps them in HTML returning a div containing an unordered list of errors.
{{ form.errors | default_errors }}


<div class="errors">
    <li>Error line 1</li>
    <li>Error line 2</li>
highlight_active_tag(tag, css_class='active') This filter creates a span with the class active around the tag if it is active. An active tag means that it is currently used to narrow down the selection of displayed products in a given collection. A tag becomes active when someone clicks on a tag link generated by a link_to_tag or link_to_add_tag filter.
{% for tag in collection.tags %}
   {{ tag | highlight_active_tag | link_to_tag: tag }}
{% endfor %}
qrcode(string) This filter takes a text string and returns a QR Code as an SVG which can be directly included in a template.
<div id="qr_code" style="width:180px;height:180px">
  {{ gift_card.qr_identifier | qrcode }}

The following example would generate a QR Code to link to a specific product.

<div style="width:180px;height:180px">
  {{ shop.url | append: product.url | qrcode }}
weight(grams) This filter takes a weight in grams and converts it into the appropriate unit system ( metric, imperial ) for the shop. The unit of weight is not displayed. All weights are stored internally in grams so you should always use this filter when displaying weights to clients.
{{ product.weight | weight }}
weight_with_unit(grams) This filter takes a weight in grams and converts it into the appropriate unit system ( metric, imperial ) for the shop. All weights are stored internally in grams so you should always use this filter when displaying weights to clients.
{{ product.weight | weight_with_unit }}
within(product_url, collection) This filter is used to indicate that the filtered URL of a passed in object belongs to a specified collection.
{{ product.url | within: collection }}

There is further discussion on this filter in Liquid Collection Navigation .

Further Reference