Changing to a different theme

From Spiffy Stores Knowledge Base

You can switch themes in the "Design & Assets -> Theme gallery" section of your stores' Toolbox. Before you change themes, you should always download a backup copy of the theme that your store is currently using. This can be done in the "Design & Assets -> Upload/download theme" section.

Once you have selected your new theme, you should go to the "Design & Assets -> Theme editor" section to set up your new theme, and you will definitely need to consult our documentation on your new theme. You new theme may include different menu configurations, different slideshow sizes, and different product image size requirements. You should consult our documentation to find all of this out BEFORE you switch themes.

If you do switch themes, and find that you're unable to get your store working in your new theme, please contact us for help, or upload the backup of your theme to switch back to how your store was originally. This can be done in the "Design & Assets -> Upload/download theme" section.

What changes when you switch themes?

  • The Fresh, Antiqua, and Seattle themes include side menus. The Minimal, Vintage, Georgia and showtime themes do not. They include drop-down menus instead, so you will need to make drop-down menus if you want to use one of those themes. We have instructions on creating drop-down menus for the Vintage theme here, but they are the same for all themes that include drop-down menus.

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