Liquid Template Variables - product

From Spiffy Stores Knowledge Base

The Liquid template variable product has the following attributes:

Returns the unique internal number of the product.

This is normally only for internal usage.


This is the product handle. The handle uniquely identifies the product in the URL address.

The handle is usually the product's title in lower case with all blanks replaced by a dash. "Red Hat" would have the handle "red-hat".


Returns the title of this product.


Returns the type of this product, for example, "t-shirt" or "garden gnome".


Returns the vendor of this product, such as "Spiffy Stores" or "Acme Tools".


Returns the price for this product. By default this is the minimum price.


Returns the minimum price for this product.


Returns the minimum price for this product.


Returns true if the price_min is different from price_max.


Returns the "compare at" price, that is, the recommended retail price for this product. By default this is the minimum "compare at" price.


Returns the "compare at" price, that is, the recommended retail price for the least expensive variant of this product.


Returns the "compare at" price, that is, the recommended retail price for the most expensive variant of this product


Returns true if the compare_at_price_min is different from compare_at_price_max.


Returns the featured_image as an image template variable.

When used directly, such as product.featured_image, it returns the relative URL path of the featured image. This is equivalent to using product.featured_image.src.

For example,

  <img src="{{ product.featured_image | product_img_url: 'medium' }}" alt="{{ product.featured_image.alt | escape }}" />


Returns an array of all the image template variables for this product.

For example,

{% for image in product.images %}
  {{ image | product_img_url: 'medium' }}
{% endfor %}

When used directly, such as image, it returns the relative URL path of the image. This is equivalent to using image.src.


Returns the number of images for this product.


Returns the type of images, in this case 'Product'.


Returns the description of this product.


This is an alias of description.


Returns a collection of all of this product's variants.


Returns false if all variants' quantities are zero and their policies are set to "stop selling when sold out".


Returns a collection of all collections that this product belongs to.

  {% for collection in product.collections %}
    <li>{{ collection.title }}</li>
  {% endfor %}


Returns a list of the product's tags (represented by simple strings).


The is the relative URL address of the product.

  <a href="{{ product.url }}">
    <img src="{{ product.featured_image | product_img_url: 'small' }}" />


Returns a list of the product's options. This will always be an array of option names, and there is always at least one option. By default, if no options have been defined, the first option will be called 'Title' and this is the name of the product variation.

The number of options can be used to select whether to use multiple option drop-downs in a product page.

{% if product.options.size > 1 %}
  <!-- The product has more than one option
  … Display using drop-downs -->

{% else %}
  <!-- The product has only one option 
  … Display using radio buttons -->

{% endif %}


Return the metafields for the product.

Metafields can only be managed using the Spiffy Stores API.


Return the first variant of the product that is available for purchase. In order for a variant to be available, its inventory quantity must be greater than zero or the inventory policy must be set to continue. A variant without inventory management is always considered available.


Return the currently selected variant of the product. A variant is considered selected if there is a valid ?variant=... parameter in the product URL. Return nil if no variant is selected.

<!-- URL = -->

{{ }} => 987654321


Return the currently selected variant of the product. A variant is considered selected if there is a valid ?variant=... parameter in the product URL.

If a variant is not currently selected, then return the first available variant.

object of the currently-selected variant if there is a valid ?variant= query parameter in the URL. If there is no selected variant, the first available variant is returned. In order for a variant to be available, its variant.inventory_quantity must be greater than zero or variant.inventory_policy must be set to continue. A variant with no inventory_management is considered available.