API Webhook

From Spiffy Stores Knowledge Base

Webhooks are a useful tool for apps that want to execute code after a specific event happens on a store, for example, after a customer creates a cart on the storefront, or a merchant creates a new product in their admin.

Instead of telling your app to make an API call every X number of minutes to check if a specific event has occurred on a shop, you can register webhooks, which send an HTTP request from the store telling your app that the event has occurred. This uses far less API requests overall, allowing you to build more robust apps, and update your app instantly after a webhook is received.

Webhooks are scoped to the app they're registered to. This means that when a webhook is registered to an app, other apps can't view, modify, or delete it.

Anatomy of a Webhook

When an event occurs in a shop that corresponds to a registered webhook, Spiffy Stores sends a webhook notification to the specified URL. The webhook contains a payload formatted as JSON, as well applicable HTTP headers. For example, the following headers are sent as part of the



  • X-Spiffy-Topic: orders/create
  • X-Spiffy-Hmac-Sha256: XWmrwMey6OsLMeiZKwP4FppHH3cmAiiJJAweH5Jo4bM=
  • X-Spiffy-Shop-Domain: johns-apparel.spiffystores.com


Some of the returned HTTP headers can be useful for your app. For example, X-Spiffy-Hmac-Sha256 is used to authenticate webhooks, and X-Spiffy-Shop-Domain is useful for determining the store context. See the webhooks tutorial for more information concerning authenticating webhooks, and the OAuth docs for general information concerning authentication.

List of Supported Webhook Topics

Event data can be stored as JSON or XML. Webhooks can be registered for the following events:

Events Topics
Cart carts/create, carts/update
  "id": "eeafa272cebfd4b22385bc4b645e762c",
  "token": "eeafa272cebfd4b22385bc4b645e762c",
  "line_items": [
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      "properties": {
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      "variant_id": 1234567,
      "key": "1234567:f816dcc3b2e26822a28626a786eac953",
      "title": "Example T-Shirt - ",
      "price": "19.99",
      "original_price": "19.99",
      "discounted_price": "19.99",
      "line_price": "59.97",
      "original_line_price": "59.97",
      "total_discount": "0.00",
      "discounts": [
      "sku": "example-shirt-s",
      "grams": 200,
      "vendor": "Acme",
      "product_id": 327475578523353102,
      "gift_card": false
Checkout checkouts/create, checkouts/delete, checkouts/update
  "id": 327474488104976385,
  "token": "123123123",
  "cart_token": "eeafa272cebfd4b22385bc4b645e762c",
  "email": "example@email.com",
  "gateway": null,
  "buyer_accepts_marketing": false,
  "created_at": "2017-03-20T16:02:28-04:00",
  "updated_at": "2017-03-20T16:02:28-04:00",
  "landing_site": null,
  "note": null,
  "note_attributes": [
  "referring_site": null,
  "shipping_lines": [
  "subtotal_price": "398.00",
  "taxes_included": false,
  "total_discounts": "0.00",
  "total_line_items_price": "398.00",
  "total_price": "398.00",
  "total_tax": "0.00",
  "total_weight": 1134,
  "currency": "USD",
  "completed_at": null,
  "closed_at": null,
  "user_id": null,
  "location_id": null,
  "source_identifier": null,
  "source_url": null,
  "device_id": null,
  "line_items": [
      "applied_discounts": [
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      "compare_at_price": null,
      "destination_location_id": 938998167,
      "fulfillment_service": "manual",
      "gift_card": false,
      "grams": 567,
      "line_price": "199.00",
      "origin_location_id": 938998166,
      "price": "199.00",
      "product_id": 632910392,
      "properties": null,
      "quantity": 1,
      "requires_shipping": true,
      "sku": "IPOD2008PINK",
      "tax_lines": [
      "taxable": true,
      "title": "IPod Nano - 8GB",
      "variant_id": null,
      "variant_title": "",
      "vendor": "Apple"
      "applied_discounts": [
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      "compare_at_price": null,
      "destination_location_id": 938998167,
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      "grams": 567,
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      "origin_location_id": 938998166,
      "price": "199.00",
      "product_id": 632910392,
      "properties": null,
      "quantity": 1,
      "requires_shipping": true,
      "sku": "IPOD2008PINK",
      "tax_lines": [
      "taxable": true,
      "title": "IPod Nano - 8GB",
      "variant_id": null,
      "variant_title": "",
      "vendor": "Apple"
  "name": "#327474488104976385",
  "source": null,
  "discount_codes": [
  "abandoned_checkout_url": "https:\/\/checkout.local\/690933842\/checkouts\/123123123\/recover",
  "tax_lines": [
  "source_name": "web",
  "billing_address": {
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    "province": "Kentucky",
    "country": "United States",
    "last_name": "Biller",
    "address2": null,
    "company": "My Company",
    "latitude": null,
    "longitude": null,
    "name": "Bob Biller",
    "country_code": "US",
    "province_code": "KY"
  "shipping_address": {
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    "address1": "123 Shipping Street",
    "phone": "555-555-SHIP",
    "city": "Shippington",
    "zip": "K2P0S0",
    "province": "Kentucky",
    "country": "United States",
    "last_name": "Shipper",
    "address2": null,
    "company": "Shipping Company",
    "latitude": null,
    "longitude": null,
    "name": "Steve Shipper",
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    "province_code": "KY"
  "customer": {
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    "email": "john@test.com",
    "accepts_marketing": false,
    "created_at": null,
    "updated_at": null,
    "first_name": "John",
    "last_name": "Smith",
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    "note": null,
    "verified_email": true,
    "multipass_identifier": null,
    "tax_exempt": false,
    "phone": null,
    "tags": "",
    "last_order_name": null
Collection collections/create, collections/delete, collections/update
  "id": 327474488104976386,
  "handle": "mynewcollection",
  "title": "My New Collection",
  "updated_at": "2017-03-20T16:04:30-04:00",
  "body_html": "<b>Some HTML<\/b>",
  "published_at": "2017-03-20T13:04:30-04:00",
  "sort_order": "manual",
  "template_suffix": null,
  "published_scope": "global"
CollectionPublication collection_listings/add, collection_listings/remove, collection_listings/update
  "collection_listing": {
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    "updated_at": null,
    "body_html": "<b>Some HTML<\/b>",
    "default_product_image": null,
    "handle": "mynewcollection",
    "image": null,
    "title": "My New Collection",
    "sort_order": "manual",
    "published_at": "2017-03-20T16:04:30-04:00"
Customer customers/create, customers/delete, customers/disable, customers/enable, customers/update
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  "email": "bob@biller.com",
  "accepts_marketing": true,
  "created_at": null,
  "updated_at": null,
  "first_name": "Bob",
  "last_name": "Biller",
  "orders_count": 0,
  "state": "disabled",
  "total_spent": "0.00",
  "last_order_id": null,
  "note": "This customer loves ice cream",
  "verified_email": true,
  "multipass_identifier": null,
  "tax_exempt": false,
  "phone": null,
  "tags": "",
  "last_order_name": null,
  "addresses": [
CustomerSavedSearch customer_groups/create, customer_groups/delete, customer_groups/update
  "id": 775454534,
  "name": "Repeat Customers",
  "created_at": "2017-03-20T16:04:30-04:00",
  "updated_at": "2017-03-20T16:04:30-04:00",
  "query": "orders_count:>1"
DraftOrder draft_orders/create, draft_orders/delete, draft_orders/update
  "id": 123456,
  "note": null,
  "email": "jon@doe.ca",
  "taxes_included": false,
  "currency": "USD",
  "subtotal_price": "2537.00",
  "total_tax": "0.00",
  "total_price": "2702.22",
  "invoice_sent_at": null,
  "created_at": "2017-03-20T16:04:28-04:00",
  "updated_at": "2017-03-20T16:04:28-04:00",
  "tax_exempt": false,
  "completed_at": null,
  "name": "#D234",
  "status": "open",
  "line_items": [
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      "product_id": 632910392,
      "title": "IPod Nano - 8GB",
      "variant_title": "Pink",
      "sku": "IPOD2008PINK",
      "vendor": "Apple",
      "price": "199.00",
      "grams": 567,
      "quantity": 3,
      "requires_shipping": true,
      "taxable": true,
      "gift_card": false,
      "fulfillment_service": "manual",
      "tax_lines": [
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      "name": "IPod Nano - 8GB - Pink",
      "properties": [
      "custom": false
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      "product_id": 632910392,
      "title": "IPod Nano - 8GB",
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      "sku": "IPOD2008PINK",
      "vendor": "Apple",
      "price": "199.00",
      "grams": 567,
      "quantity": 1,
      "requires_shipping": true,
      "taxable": true,
      "gift_card": false,
      "fulfillment_service": "manual",
      "tax_lines": [
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      "name": "IPod Nano - 8GB - Pink",
      "properties": [
      "custom": false
      "variant_id": 457924702,
      "product_id": 632910392,
      "title": "IPod Nano - 8GB",
      "variant_title": "Black",
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      "vendor": "Apple",
      "price": "199.00",
      "grams": 567,
      "quantity": 10,
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      "gift_card": false,
      "fulfillment_service": "manual",
      "tax_lines": [
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        "title": "Bulk Discount",
        "amount": "199.00",
        "value_type": "percentage"
      "name": "IPod Nano - 8GB - Black",
      "properties": [
      "custom": false
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    "country": "United States",
    "last_name": "Shipper",
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    "company": "Shipping Company",
    "latitude": null,
    "longitude": null,
    "name": "Steve Shipper",
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    "province_code": "KY"
  "billing_address": {
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    "phone": "555-555-BILL",
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    "province": "Kentucky",
    "country": "United States",
    "last_name": "Biller",
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    "province_code": "KY"
  "invoice_url": "https:\/\/checkout.local\/690933842\/invoices\/abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234",
  "applied_discount": {
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    "title": "Loyalty",
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    "value_type": "fixed_amount"
  "order_id": null,
  "shipping_line": {
    "title": "Generic Shipping",
    "price": "10.00",
    "custom": true,
    "handle": null
  "tax_lines": [
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      "rate": 0.06,
      "title": "State Tax"
      "price": "11.94",
      "rate": 0.06,
      "title": "State Tax"
      "price": "107.46",
      "rate": 0.06,
      "title": "State Tax"
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      "phone": "123-123-1234",
      "name": "",
      "province_code": "ON",
      "country_code": "CA",
      "country_name": "Canada",
      "default": true
Fulfillment fulfillments/create, fulfillments/update
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  "tracking_urls": [
  "receipt": {
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      "variant_title": null,
      "vendor": null,
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      "properties": [
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FulfillmentEvent fulfillment_events/create, fulfillment_events/delete
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  "message": "Item is now in transit",
  "happened_at": "2017-03-20T16:04:31-04:00",
  "city": "Montreal",
  "province": "QC",
  "country": "CA",
  "zip": null,
  "address1": null,
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Order orders/cancelled, orders/create, orders/delete, orders/fulfilled, orders/paid, orders/partially_fulfilled, orders/updated
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      "default": false
OrderTransaction order_transactions/create
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  "receipt": {
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Product products/create, products/delete, products/update
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ProductPublication product_listings/add, product_listings/remove, product_listings/update
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Refund refunds/create
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Shop app/uninstalled, shop/update
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Theme themes/create, themes/delete, themes/publish, themes/update
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What you can do with a Webhook

The Spiffy Stores API lets you do the following with the Webhook resource. More detailed versions of these general actions may be available:

  • GET /admin/webhooks.json
    Receive a list of all Webhooks

  • GET /admin/webhooks/count.json?topic=orders/create
    Receive a count of all Webhooks

  • GET /admin/webhooks/#{id}.json
    Receive a single Webhook

  • POST /admin/webhooks.json
    Create a new Webhook

  • PUT /admin/webhooks/#{id}.json
    Modify an existing Webhook

  • DELETE /admin/webhooks/#{id}.json
    Remove a Webhook from the database

Webhook properties

"address": "http://apple.com/uninstall"

The URI where the webhook should send the POST request when the event occurs.
carts/create, carts/update

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Checkout checkouts/create, checkouts/delete, checkouts/update
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Further Reference