Adelaide ecommerce theme - adding banner images to pages

From Spiffy Stores Knowledge Base

The Adelaide theme allows you to have banners on all of your pages, articles, product, and collection pages. To add a banner to any page (home page which already has a banner), follow the instructions below.

  1. Log in to your store's admin
  2. Upload an image in the Design & Assets → Uploaded Files section
  3. Rename it to something intelligent so you know what it is
  4. In your store's admin, go to the page you want to add a banner
  5. Edit the text of the page (in the source code view), and add a hidden tag in your page text to specify your banner image…

  6. Save your page, and preview it.

You can also have a banner image on your main blog page.

  1. Upload an image in the Design & Assets → Uploaded Files section
  2. Rename it to something intelligent so you know what it is
  3. Create a page called “blog”
  4. Edit the text of the page (in the source code view), and add a hidden tag in your page text to specify your banner image

Customising the banner height

Available in Adelaide Theme Versions 2.0 and higher. This setting can be found in the Design & Assets → Theme Settings section of your store under Advanced Theme settings → Banner Images

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