Adelaide ecommerce theme - Adding an announcement bar

From Spiffy Stores Knowledge Base

Setting up the Announcement Bar

With version 1.5 of the theme, we have added an announcement bar at the top of the store. This also has a close button so your customers can hide the announcement bar in the storefront. This creates a cookie that keeps the announcement bar hidden for 24 hours. If you close the announcement bar and want to preview it, you'll need to either clear the cookies in your browser, or delete the cookie called "SpiffyAnnouncementBar".

Settings for the Announcement bar are fairly straightforward...

  • Enable or disable the announcement by checking/unchecking the "Display an announcement?" box.

  • Announcement text is the text you want to display. You can use normal text and also HTML to create links.

  • Text colour is the colour you want the text to display.

  • The announcement can be animated with a subtle pulse when you load a page by enabling the "Animate announcement?" option.

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