API Order

From Spiffy Stores Knowledge Base

The Spiffy Stores API Order object represents a request from a customer to purchase one or more products from your store. The process of creating an order during the checkout process collects together sets of information about the customer's requested, including customer details and billing and shipping addresses, a list of the items being purchased, information about the payment, and shipping and fulfilment details.

Order Properties

id { "id" : 123456789 }

A unique numeric identifier for the order. This ID is only used with the API interface. This ID is not the same as the Order Number, which is also a unique numeric identifier for the order, but is used by the store owner and customer.

order_number { "order_number" : 1045 }

A unique numeric identifier for the order that is used as a reference number for the store owner and customers. This is not the same as the id, which is only used to refer to orders within the API.

name { "name" : "#001045" }

This is the order_number, formatted according the the store preferences for order number formatting.

browser_ip { "browser_ip" : "" }

This is the IP address used by the customer when the order was placed.

buyer_accepts_marketing { "buyer_accepts_marketing" : true }

If the customer indicates during the checkout process that they are happy to receive marketing and other promotional emails, then their response is recorded here.

cart_token { "cart_token" : "65853ecbd10916e70999e7056b01a5e7" }

This is a unique token that identifies the cart that is associated with a particular order.

created_at { "created_at" : "2007-10-24T18:26:31Z" }

The date and time when the order was created. The timestamp is in ISO 8601 format.

updated_at { "updated_at" : "2014-01-16T05:50:56Z" }

The date and time when the order was last updated. The timestamp is in ISO 8601 format.

currency { "currency" : "AUD" }

The three letter currency code (ISO 4217) used for the order.

email { "email" : "customer@any_domain.com" }

The customer's email address.

credit { "credit" : "0.0" }

An order can have credit applied to it from a customer's account. If this is the case, then the amount of credit that has been applied to the order is returned here.

taxes_included { "taxes_included" : true }

For certain tax systems such as GST and VAT, the amount of tax is included in the price of an item and in this case, this field will return true. In a sales tax system, where the amount of sales tax is added to the final amount of the order, then false will be returned.

tax_price { "tax_price" : "3.04" }

The total amount of all taxes applied to the order.

included_tax_price { "included_tax_price" : "3.04" }

The total amount of all taxes applied to the order that are included as part of the item prices.

tax_label { "tax_label" : "GST" }

The description of the tax item applied to the entire order.

discount_price { "discount_price" : "0.0" }

The total amount of all discounts that have been applied to the order via coupon codes. Note that this does not include the amount of any discount that has been calculated as a result of a shopping cart discount. This amount is available through line_items_discount_price.

cart_discount_price { "cart_discount_price" : "3.8" }

The total amount of all discounts that have been applied to the order via shopping cart discounts.

shipping_price { "shipping_price" : "17.2" }

The total amount of shipping costs for the order.

shipping_lines { "shipping_lines" : [
  { "code": "WEIGHT_BASED",
    "price": "7.2",
    "weight": 0.2,
    "title": "Australia Post - Regular Parcel"
] }

An array of shipping_line objects is returned. Each object represents a physical parcel that needs to be shipped, based upon the weight and physical dimensions of the products that have been ordered. Each shipping_line has the following properties:

  • code - This describes the type of shipping method being used
  • price - The price for shipping the parcel
  • weight - The weight of the parcel
  • title - The description for the shipping method

The following shipping method codes are used:

The calculated price is based upon the weight of the parcel
The parcel has free shipping
The price for shipping is determined by the Shipping Code
subtotal_price { "subtotal_price" : "16.19" }

The total amount of the order less coupon code discounts, but before shipping and additional taxes.

total_line_items_price { "total_line_items_price" : "16.19" }

The total amount of the order, before shipping and additional taxes and before any coupon code discounts have been applied.

total_price { "total_price" : "33.39" }

The total amount of all items in the order, including shipping, taxes and discounts.

test { "test" : false }

Return true if this is a test order.

gateway { "gateway" : "Bank Deposit" }

The name of the payment gateway that was used to process the payment for this order.

note { "note" : "This order has top priority." }

The text of an optional note that can be attach to the order by the store owner.

total_weight { "total_weight" : 200.0 }

The total weight of all items in the order, expressed in grams.

financial_status { "financial_status" : "paid" }

Returns the current financial status of the order. The following statuses are used:

  • pending - Payment for the order is still pending
  • authorized - Payment has been authorized
  • partially_paid - The order has been partially paid
  • paid - The order has been fully paid
fulfilment_status { "fulfilment_status" : null }

Returns the current fulfilment status of the order. The following statuses are used:

  • fulfilled - All items in the order have been fulfilled
  • null: None of the items in the order have been fulfilled
  • partial: At least one item in the order has been fulfilled
tax_lines { "tax_lines" : [
  { "title": "Including GST",
    "rate": "0.1",
    "price": "3.04"
] }

An array of tax_line objects is returned. Each object details the total taxes applicable to the order, and has the following properties:

  • title - The description of the tax
  • rate - The rate of tax to be applied
  • price - The amount of tax to be charged
cancel_reason { "cancel_reason" : "Fraudulent order" }

If an order has been cancelled, the reason for the cancellation is returned. The following reasons may be returned:

  • Customer changed/cancelled order
  • Items unavailable
  • Fraudulent order
  • Other
cancelled_at { "cancelled_at" : "2015-02-23T03:02:51Z" }

The date and time when the order was cancelled. The timestamp is in ISO 8601 format.

closed_at { "closed_at" : "2015-02-23T03:02:51Z" }

The date and time when the order was closed. The timestamp is in ISO 8601 format.

discount_codes { "discount_codes" : [
  { "code": "STOCKTAKE",
    "amount": "0.1",
    "type": "3.04"
] }

An array of discount_code objects is returned. Each object details the coupon code discounts that have been applied to the order, and has the following properties:

  • code - The coupon code for the discount
  • amount - The amount of the discount
  • type - The type of discount applied

The following discount types are supported:

  • percentage - The discount is a percentage amount of the order
  • fixed_amount - The discount is a fixed amount off the order
  • free_shipping - The discount gives free shipping
  • discount_price - The discount is a fixed price for a product
billing_address { "billing_address" : {
  "id": 2075,
  "title": "Mr",
  "first_name": "Frodo",
  "last_name": "Baggins",
  "name": "Mr Frodo Baggins",
  "company": "The Fellowship of the Ring",
  "address1": "1 Bag End",
  "address2": "",
  "city": "Hobbiton",
  "province": "The Shire",
  "province_code": "",
  "country": "Middle Earth",
  "country_code": "ME",
  "zip": "1234",
  "phone": "0412123456"}

Returns the billing address associated with the order. The address has the following properties:

  • id - A unique identifier for the address
  • title - The customer's title
  • first_name - The customer's first name
  • last_name - The customer's last name
  • name - The customer's full name, including title
  • company - An optional company name
  • address1 - The first line of the mailing address
  • address2 - The optional second line of the mailing address
  • city - The city or suburb of the mailing address
  • province - The province or state of the mailing address
  • province_code - The standard province or state abbreviation
  • country - The country of the mailing address
  • country_code - The standard country code abbreviation
  • zip - The postal or zip code of the mailing address
  • phone - A contact phone number for the customer
shipping_address { "shipping_address" : {
  "id": 2075,
  "title": "Mr",
  "first_name": "Frodo",
  "last_name": "Baggins",
  "name": "Mr Frodo Baggins",
  "company": "The Fellowship of the Ring",
  "address1": "1 Bag End",
  "address2": "",
  "city": "Hobbiton",
  "province": "The Shire",
  "province_code": "",
  "country": "Middle Earth",
  "country_code": "ME",
  "zip": "1234",
  "phone": "0412123456"}

Returns the shipping address associated with the order. The address has the following properties:

  • id - A unique identifier for the address
  • title - The customer's title
  • first_name - The customer's first name
  • last_name - The customer's last name
  • name - The customer's full name, including title
  • company - An optional company name
  • address1 - The first line of the shipping address
  • address2 - The optional second line of the shipping address
  • city - The city or suburb of the shipping address
  • province - The province or state of the shipping address
  • province_code - The standard province or state abbreviation
  • country - The country of the shipping address
  • country_code - The standard country code abbreviation
  • zip - The postal or zip code of the shipping address
  • phone - A contact phone number for the customer
customer { "customer" : {
  "id": 6,
  "title": "Mr",
  "first_name": "Frodo",
  "last_name": "Baggins",
  "name": "Mr Frodo Baggins",
  "email": "frodo@theshire.com",
  "accepts_marketing": true,
  "created_at": "2010-06-15T13:15:50Z",
  "updated_at": "2015-02-23T03:02:51Z",
  "note": "This customer has an interest in rings.",
  "orders_count": 512,
  "state": "enabled",
  "total_spent": "11230.63",
  "sign_in_count": 261,
  "current_sign_in_at": "2015-02-23T03:02:51Z",
  "current_sign_in_ip": "",
  "last_sign_in_at": "2015-02-19T05:58:54Z",
  "last_sign_in_ip": "",
  "wholesale": false,
  "credit": "0.0",
  "tags": "friend,ring_bearer,brave,hobbit"
} }

Returns an object containing information about the customer. This information is only available if the customer has registered for an account, so this information will not be available for guest checkout orders.

Customer objects contain the following fields:

  • id - A unique numeric identifier for the customer
  • title - The customer's title
  • first_name - The customer's first name
  • last_name - The customer's last name
  • name - The customer's full name, including title
  • email - The customer's email address
  • accepts_marketing - Acceptance of marketing emails
  • created_at - The date and time when the account was created
  • updated_at - The date and time when the account was updated
  • note - Additional information about the customer
  • orders_count - The number of orders placed by the customer
  • state - The current state of the customer's account
    Valid states are:
    • enabled
    • disabled
    • invited
    • declined
  • total_spent - The total amount spent by the customer
  • sign_in_count - The number of successful sign ins
  • current_sign_in_at - The time of the current sign in
  • current_sign_in_ip - The IP address of current sign in
  • last_sign_in_at - The time of the last sign in
  • last_sign_in_ip - The IP address of the last sign in
  • wholesale - Customer has access to wholesale prices
  • credit - Amount of credit in customer's account
  • tags - Tags associated with customer
line_items { "line_items" : [
  { "id": 1200,
    "product_id": 1512,
    "variation_id": 1705,
    "product_exists": true,
    "quantity": 1,
    "sku": "3445657",
    "name": "Cute Dog - Brown",
    "title": "Cute Dog",
    "variation_title": "Brown",
    "discount_description": "<br/>10% Off<br/>Wholesale",
    "vendor": "Spiffy Stores",
    "weight": 0.2,
    "grams": 200.0,
    "length": 0.0,
    "width": 0.0,
    "height": 0.0,
    "price": "19.99",
    "wholesale_price": "9.99",
    "taxable": true,
    "discount_price": "3.8",
    "total_price": "16.19",
    "ship_separately": false,
    "free_shipping": false,
    "requires_shipping": true,
    "fulfilment_service": "manual",
    "fulfillable_quantity": 1,
    "shipping_method": "",
    "instalments": 1,
    "gift_card": false,
    "fulfilment_status": null
] }

An array of line_item objects, containing information about the items that have been ordered. Each object has the following properties:

  • id - A unique numeric identifier for the line item
  • product_id - A unique numeric identifier for the product
  • variation_id - A unique numeric identifier for the product variation
  • product_exists - Indicates whether the product still exists
  • quantity - The number of product variations that have been ordered
  • sku - The stock keeping unit code for the product variation
  • name - The combined name of the product and variation
  • title - The name of the product
  • variation_title - The title of the product variation
  • discount_description - The description of the shopping cart discounts
  • vendor - The supplier or manufacturer of the product
  • weight - The weight of the item in store units
  • grams - The weight of the item in grams
  • length - The length of the item in store units for shipping
  • width - The width of the item in store units for shipping
  • height - The height of the item in store units for shipping
  • price - The price of the item
  • wholesale_price - The wholesale price of the item
  • taxable - Indicates if the item is taxable
  • discount_price - The amount of applied shopping cart discounts
  • total_price - The total amount for this line item
  • ship_separately - The item is bulky and needs separate shipping
  • free_shipping - The item has free shipping
  • requires_shipping - The item requires physical shipping
  • fulfilment_service - The fulfilment method or service provider
  • fulfillable_quantity - The amount that can be fulfilled
  • shipping_method - The shipping method used
  • instalments - The number of payment instalments for the item
  • gift_card - Indicates if the item is a gift card
  • fulfilment_status - Indicates the status of the fulfilment

Items that are marked as gift cards are not taxed or included in any shipping charge calculations.