Minimal theme: Adding the "Collections" page to your store

From Spiffy Stores Knowledge Base

Revision as of 09:43, 14 June 2011 by Shawn (talk | contribs)

Minimal collections page.jpg

The minimal theme also has a "Collections" page that shows a slideshow of the first 5 products in each of your collections. Click here to see a preview of what this page looks like.

To add the “Collections” page to your store, you just need to create a page with a handle of “collections”.

To do this, go to the “Pages & blogs” section of your Toolbox, and click the “add a new page” button. Give your page a title, and add some text, then save it.

You then edit your page and click on the “handle” link, which is next to the “Title” field. This should then display the field for your handle. Change whatever you currently have in there, so that the handle of your page is “collections”. When you’ve done this, you can then add a link to this page in the “Store menus” section of your toolbox.