API Image
From Spiffy Stores Knowledge Base
The Spiffy Stores API Image object represents an image that may belong to either a product or a collection. Images can be in either .png
, .gif
or .jpg
You can view a product or collection's images, update them, create new ones, and delete them.
- 1 Image Properties
- 2 Endpoints
- 2.1 GET /api/(products|standard_collections|super_collections)/(OBJECT_ID|OBJECT_HANDLE)/images.json
- 2.2 GET /api/products/count.json
- 2.3 GET /api/products/(PRODUCT_ID|PRODUCT_HANDLE).json
- 2.4 POST /api/products.json
- 2.5 PUT /api/products/PRODUCT_ID.json
- 2.6 DELETE /api/products/(PRODUCT_ID|PRODUCT_HANDLE).json
- 3 Further Reference
Image Properties
id | { "id" : 123456789 } A unique numeric identifier for the image. |
position | { "position" : 1 } The position of the image in the ordered list of images. The first image has a position of 1 and is the main image for the product or collection. |
alt | { "alt" : "This is the alt text for the image" } Images may have some associated alternative text which can be used when the image can't be displayed. It also provided additional information for screen readers and search engines. |
filename | { "filename" : "cute-puppy.jpg" } The filename of the image is the base name of the image file as originally uploaded. |
src | { "src" : "http://server1.spiffystores.com/sites/4/products/123456789_cute_puppy_full.jpg?6afd63d069abc37a673dd3927e283633" } Specifies the full URL for the image. |
product_id | { "product_id" : 123456789 } The id of the image's associated product. |
collection_id | { "collection_id" : 123456789 } The id of the image's associated collection. |
GET /api/(products|standard_collections|super_collections)/(OBJECT_ID|OBJECT_HANDLE)/images.json
Return a list of images belonging to either a product, standard collection or super collection.
Optional Parameters
limit | Number of results returned. The default is 30, with a maximum of 50 in a single request. |
page | The number of the page to return. The number of results per page is set by the limit parameter. If more results are required, then submit the request again, increasing the page number each time.
since_id | Limit the results to only include objects which have an id greater than the given value. |
vendor | Limit the results to only include products supplied by the given vendor. |
product_type | Limit the results to only include products that belong to the given product_type. |
handle | Return the product with the given handle |
collection_id | Return only the products that belong to the given collection. |
created_at_min | Return only the products created after the given date and time. Use the format "2014-12-31 12:00". |
created_at_max | Return only the products created before the given date and time. Use the format "2014-12-31 12:00". |
updated_at_min | Return only the products updated after the given date and time. Use the format "2014-12-31 12:00". |
updated_at_max | Return only the products updated before the given date and time. Use the format "2014-12-31 12:00". |
published_status | Return only products with the given published status.
featured_status | Return only products with the given featured status.
archived_status | Return only products with the given archived status.
fields | A comma-separated list of fields to return in the response. |
Example Request and Response
GET /api/products.json HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "products": [ { "id": 123456789, "title": "Cute Puppy", "handle": "cute-puppy", "body": "A very cute puppy.", "body_html": "<p>A very cute puppy.</p>", "shipping_code": "", "created_at": "2012-03-28T17:53:26Z", "updated_at": "2014-01-16T05:50:56Z", "tags": ["cute", "puppy", "dog", "brown dog"], "published": true, "featured": true, "archived": false, "product_type": "Dog", "vendor": "Spiffy Stores", "options": [ { "name": "Title", "position": 1 } ], "custom_options": [], "images": [ { "id": 1603342682, "position": 1, "alt": "This is a test product", "filename": "cute_puppy.jpg", "src": "http://server1.spiffystores.com/sites/4/products/123456789_cute_puppy_full.jpg" } ], "variations": [ { "id": 28234540068, "title": "Default", "position": 1, "sku": "B3300", "barcode": "", "price": "139.8", "wholesale_price": "0.0", "compare_at_price": "0.0", "discount": "0.0", "taxable": true, "instalments": 1, "grams": 2000.0, "length": 0.0, "width": 0.0, "height": 0.0, "inventory_quantity": 5, "old_inventory_quantity": 5, "inventory_policy": "deny", "inventory_management": "spiffy", "fulfilment_service": "manual", "shipping_code": "", "free_shipping": false, "requires_shipping": true, "ship_separately": false, "created_at": "2012-03-28T17:53:26Z", "updated_at": "2014-01-16T05:50:56Z" } ] }, ... ] } Examples using filters GET /api/products.json?fields=id,title,images GET /api/products.json?collection_id=23238768
GET /api/products/count.json
Return a count of products.
Optional Parameters
since_id | Limit the results to only include objects which have an id greater than the given value. |
vendor | Limit the results to only include products supplied by the given vendor. |
product_type | Limit the results to only include products that belong to the given product_type. |
handle | Return the product with the given handle |
collection_id | Return only the products that belong to the given collection. |
created_at_min | Return only the products created after the given date and time. Use the format "2014-12-31 12:00". |
created_at_max | Return only the products created before the given date and time. Use the format "2014-12-31 12:00". |
updated_at_min | Return only the products updated after the given date and time. Use the format "2014-12-31 12:00". |
updated_at_max | Return only the products updated before the given date and time. Use the format "2014-12-31 12:00". |
published_status | Return only products with the given published status.
featured_status | Return only products with the given featured status.
archived_status | Return only products with the given archived status.
Example Request and Response
GET /api/products/count.json HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "count": 578 } Examples using filters GET /api/products/count.json?collection_id=234293847
GET /api/products/(PRODUCT_ID|PRODUCT_HANDLE).json
Return a single product.
Optional Parameters
fields | A comma-separated list of fields to return in the response. |
Example Request and Response
GET /api/products/123456789.json HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "product": { "id": 123456789, "title": "Cute Puppy", "handle": "cute-puppy", "body": "A very cute puppy.", ... } } Alternative form GET /api/products/cute-puppy.json
POST /api/products.json
Create a new product.
You can include images for the new product, either by including the image as Base64 data using the attachment
tag, or by including a URL to the image which can be used to download the image using the src
Example Request and Response
POST /api/products.json { "product": { "title": "Brand New Product", "body": "A must for every home.", "vendor": "Big Brand", "product_type": "Gadget", "tags": "yellow, gadget, blue, home", "variations": [ { "option1": "Large", "option2": "Yellow", "price": "10.00", "sku": "123", "inventory_quantity": 100 }, { "option1": "Small", "option2": "Blue", "price": "20.00", "sku": "456", "inventory_quantity": 50 } ], "options": [ { "name": "Size", "position": 1 }, { "name": "Colour", "position": 2 } ], "images": [ { "attachment": "R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAAAAACH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAICRAEAOw==\n", "filename": "cute_puppy.jpg" }, { "src": "http://www.puppies-r-us.com/images/cute_puppy2.jpg", "filename": "cute_puppy2.jpg" } ] } } HTTP/1.1 201 Created
PUT /api/products/PRODUCT_ID.json
Update a product and associated images and variations.
You can include images for the updated product, either by including the image as Base64 data using the attachment
tag, or by including a URL to the image which can be used to download the image using the src
When you update a product, you must include the id
parameter, which must match the product_id specified in the POST URL.
You can update any of the product properties by including the parameter in the PUT data. All other product properties remain unchanged.
You cannot change the number of options. Only the name of the option can be updated.
Product variations, custom_options and images cannot be individually updated using this API. If you specify any new variations, custom_options or images, then all existing variations, custom_options or images are deleted and replaced by the new variations, custom_options or images provided by this API.
Individual variations and images can be updated using the specific API calls for Variations and Images.
Example Request and Response
PUT /api/products/123456789.json { "product": { "id": 123456789, "title": "This is a new title" } } HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Delete a product and all associated images and variations.
Example Request and Response
DELETE /api/products/123456789.json HTTP/1.1 200 OK {} Alternative form DELETE /api/products/cute-puppy.json