Simple Theme - Adding featured collections on collection pages

From Spiffy Stores Knowledge Base

Rather than just show products on your pages and collection pages, you can override the default behaviour and images with links to your featured collections (or sub collections) there instead. Each of the links can also display a slideshow of the first 5 products in your collection, or can display the image you have specified for that collection in the “Collections” section of your store’s Toolbox.

To add featured collections to a page or collection page, follow the instructions below.

Adding featured collections to a page or collection page

  1. If you haven't already created the page or collection page in your Toolbox, create it first. Check its handle to make sure that it matches the name of your page (e.g. if your page is called "Blue Widgets", its handle should be "blue-widgets").
  2. Go to the "Store menus" tab in your store's Toolbox
  3. Click the "Add a new menu" button in the top right of your screen, and create a menu with THE SAME NAME as the page you want it to display on.
  4. Your new empty menu should appear at the bottom of the page. Click the "Add new Menu Item" link in your new menu.
  5. In the "Name of new Menu Item:" field, enter the text that you want to appear for this image.
  6. For the "This Menu Item links to:" field, select "Product collection"
  7. A new field will appear to the right that lists your product collections. Select the collection you want to display
  8. Click the "Add menu item" button to save.

Uploading a collection image to display instead of a product image

You can also upload an image to display for your collection, rather than the first product in your collection.

  1. Go to the "Collections" section of your Toolbox
  2. Click on the collection name that you want to upload an image for
  3. Upload your image in the "Collection Images" section.

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