Liquid Template Variables - linklist

From Spiffy Stores Knowledge Base

The Liquid template variable linklist has the following attributes:

Returns the unique internal number of the linklist.

This is normally only for internal usage.


This is the linklist handle.


Returns the title of this linklist.


Returns a collection of this linklist's links.


Returns the number of child links.

Returns the HTML code for a fully generated tree-structured menu, using drop-down menus.

<div id="navigation">
  {{ }}

This example includes all the code needed to implement a drop down menu.

The class active is added to the link automatically whenever a link is active.


Returns the HTML code for a simple tree-structured menu, using nested unordered lists.

<div id="side-navigation">
  {{ linklists.side-menu.menu_simple }}

The class active is added to the link automatically whenever a link is active.


Returns the HTML code fragment required to render a tree-structured menu as a series of options for a select box. The items in the select box are indented to visually show the tree-structure of the menu. The code fragment consists of option tags, and would need to be included as part of a select tag.

<div id="mobile-navigation">
  <select name="main_navigation" id="main_navigation" class="fl" onchange="window.document.location.href=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;">
    {{ linklists[settings.top_menu].menu_options_for_select }}

Further Reference