Adelaide ecommerce theme - Displaying blog articles on your home page

From Spiffy Stores Knowledge Base

The Adelaide theme allows you to display your three most recent blog posts on your home page. If you don't have 3 blog posts, or you have blog posts that don't have images in them, you should not enable this feature.

Select the blog you'd like to display in the Design & assets -> Theme editor section of your store's Toolbox. This can be found in the Home Page - Sections section.

Selecting your blog

Select your blog in the Design & assets -> Theme editor section of your store's Toolbox. Scroll down on this page until you find the section called Home Page - Sections.

You will find a few options...

  • Display the blog area? - You can turn the blog section on or off here
  • Blog to display? - A list of the blogs you have in your store if displayed here. Select the blog you'd like to display, scroll down and click the Save Settings button.

    NOTE: If your blog doesn't have 3 blog posts, or you have blog posts that don't have images in them, you should disable this feature by selecting None.

  • Blog title - The title that appears above the article on your home page. Leave blank if you don't want to display a blog.

« Updating your home page

« The Adelaide theme guide